Diseases Caused By Abnormalities In Hormone Systems


Hormones are chemical substances that the body is naturally generated and released into the blood stream from a gland or organ, which affect the activity in cells, so issued will be channeled by the blood hormone to various cell network. most of the hormone is a protein composed of amino acid chains of different length. The rest is steroids, i.e. substances which are the fat have from cholesterol. Hormones in very small amounts can trigger the body's response.

Diseases caused by abnormalities in the hormone system as follows :

1. Addison's disease

This disease occurs due to reduced secretion of glucocorticoid. This can occur for example because the adrenal glands are exposed to infection or by reason of the autoimmune.
Symptoms – symptoms include:
·      The reduced volume and blood pressure due to the decline in levels of Na + and water volume of body fluids.
·      The Hypoglycemia and the decline of the long-term durability of the body's response to stress, so that sufferers are easy to be shock and death only because a small stress such as a flue or starve.
·      Mental and physical Lethargy.

2. Cushing's syndrome

A collection of symptoms – symptoms of the disease caused by the excessive secretion of adrenal tumors such as glucocorticoids and pituitary. It can also be caused by physical characteristics of the drug – excessive corticosteroid drugs.
The symptoms can be:
·      The muscles – muscles shrink and become weak due to protein catabolism.
·      Osteoporosis
·      A difficult Wound healed
·      A mental disorder for example euphoria (feels shy)

3. The Adrenogenital Syndrome

Disorders where a shortage of production of glucocorticoids is usually due to a lack of the enzyme glucocorticoid-forming on the adrenal glands. As a result, the ACTH levels rise and reticular zones are stimulated to androgen secreting that cause the onset of signs – signs of abnormalities secondary to men in a woman called virilism which the incidence and distribution of beard hair men, muscles – muscle body like a man, the change of the voice, enlarged clitoris, shrinking breasts like a penis and sometimes the baldness.

In men under age precocious puberty arises, namely the onset of signs – signs secondary sex under. On a grown man symptoms – symptoms of the above closed by the sign – the sign of normal secondary sex caused by testosterone. But when arising excessive secretion of estrogen and progesterone embossed sign – the sign of female secondary sex, among others, namely gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in women).

4. Pheochromocytoma

Tumors of the adrenal medulla that cause hypersecretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline by the U.S. result follows:
·      Base metabolism increases
·      Increased Blood Glucose.
·      Heart pounding
·      Blood pressure rises
·      The reduced function of the gastrointestinal tract
·      The sweat on the palms of the hands

All of which cause weight loss decreased and the body is weak. The treatment through an operation.
The swelling of the thyroid gland that creates bumps on the front part of the neck. The cause of the goiter, among others, inflammation, tumors or iodine deficiency. On the deficiency of iodine goiter, occurs because the levels of T4 and T3 levels are declining, TASH is increasing, this stimulates the follicles to split hypertrophy and hyperplasia.

5. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by abnormalities in hormones that lead to cells – the cells in the body can not absorb glucose from the blood. The disease arises mph when there is not enough insulin in the blood. On both of these, the cells – the cells of the body do not get enough glucose from the blood so a lack of energy and finally happened the burning body fat and protein reserves. Meanwhile, the digestive system can still remove glucose from food so that glucose levels in the blood become very high, and finally excreted along with urine. Sufferers can die of disease of DM hurricane status or because of complications caused by the disease, such as kidney disease, disorders of the heart and nervous disorders.

DM there are two kinds of type i.e. Type I DM (insulins dependent) diabetes arising in consequence of damage to the pancreas beta cells – cells due to virus infection or damage to genes. genetic material is the Gene that carries the nature – nature-derived. Diabetes type I usually arise before the 15-year-old sufferer. Sufferers requiring insulin supplements given by way of injecting.

DM type II occurred because the cells – the cells of the body not being able to react to insulin, though – beta cells pancreas produce enough insulin. These diseases are declining and are the result of damage to genes that encode insulin receptors on cells. Type II DM is usually associated with obesity and new arising after the sufferer was 40 years. This disease can be controlled by setting the consumption of sugar and reduce weight. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fat and salt.

How do I detect diabetes, early symptoms of diabetes are that sufferers feel weak, not powered, want to eat sweets, frequent urination, and very easy to feel thirsty? The combination of symptoms-symptoms of the above and have relatives who also suffer from diabetes requires a person to perform a glucose tolerance test. In the glucose tolerance test are required to drink a sugar solution and then her glucose levels were measured at each time interval. 

Diabetes is not  the one only disease caused by insulin. But some people have cells the pancreatic beta cells that are active so secreting too much insulin when sugar consumption. Was labeled a result in blood glucose levels fall below normal. This condition is called hypoglycemia, usually occurs 2-4 hours after a meal, which is characterized by hunger, weakness, sweating, and nervousness. In some cases, the brain does not get enough glucose so that patients can be fainting, coma, and even death. Hypoglycemia is not prevalent and most can be controlled by increasing the frequency of meals more frequently and in small quantities.

6. Hypothyroid

The circumstances in which there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone. When it occurs in infancy and children, hypothyroid cause cretinism that the body becomes short due to a nasal bone and muscle growth, accompanied by mental retardation due to cells brain cells are underdeveloped.
Children who keratin has a round face, a protruding belly, short neck, and a large tongue. Cretinism treatable thyroid hormone with administration provided it is not too late. When it occurs in adults, hypothyroid causing myxoedema. Symptoms-symptoms such a thick skin, swollen face, coarse hair, easy fat, weak, slow heart rate, low body temperature, slow physically or mentally. Hypothyroidism can occur when there is a deficiency of iodine in the diet. This can be avoided by consuming iodized salt.

7. Hyperthyroid

The circumstances in which the thyroid hormone is secreted exceed normal levels. Symptoms-symptoms such as weight loss, tremor, sweating, big appetite, palpitations and BMR increases exceeding 20 to 100.
Hyperthyroid most often found in Graves ' disease, an autoimmune disease in which antibodies are well-formed (thyroid stimulating antibodies, TSA6) against the TSH receptor on thyroid cells-cells, activating receptors-receptors. This, then the levels of T4 and T3 blood increases. Graves ' disease is also accompanied by goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland, goiter, protrusion of the eyeball and the caused by an inflammatory reaction of the immune complex in the muscles and tissues of the eyeball externally around the eyeball.

Diseases Caused By Abnormalities In Hormone Systems
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