Your Baby's Development On 8th Weeks Pregnant || Week 8
This week, fingers and feet are still webbed already jutting out from the arms and legs. Eyelids have started to cover her eyes. The breathing tract has developed extending from his throat. "Tail" which previously still visible, now disappeared. Nerve cells in his brain now started growing branching to be inter-connected to form a simple neural pathway between each other.
You might already want to guess the type of gonads, but his genitals are still not developed enough and look perfect to know whether he was male or female. But, your baby can move even though it can not you feel it directly because of its size that is still of soybean seeds (with a length of about 25-30 mm).
Changes In Your Body:
Now, you need a bigger bra size, bra because you use had started to feel cramped. The increased hormone levels cause your breasts enlarged was accompanied by the development of the other as a marker that your breasts are ready to breastfeed post-birth. Size bra you can gain two levels, but do not be surprised because this is a common occurrence especially in women who are expecting her first baby.
If in this phase, you become more quickly fatigued, is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone that results in You feel energetic. You may experience nausea and headaches that will simply drain your energy. The time and comfort of Your night's sleep can interrupt by often you urinate at night.
Tips: walking Routine for approximately 15 to 20 minutes can reduce the tremendous sense of jaded that you would naturally in the early first trimester.
Determine The Type Of Examination Of Your Pregnancy:
In this phase, your doctor will probably recommend that genetic screening and diagnostic tests (genetic screening) during your pregnancy, in the form of a simple test such as a blood test to test procedure. Before you agree to do the test, ask for an explanation to the doctor about what the tests mean, for what do the tests, how the procedures will be, is there a risk that will occur, and an explanation of the results you will receive. Test screening (screening) will explain the risks that might be experienced in certain conditions. The diagnostic test will provide information about or no problems in your baby.
Here are a few choice tests in the early first trimester:
First Trimester combination of examination:
The examination is a relatively new type of this combined nuchal hump fold (examination using ultrasound to find out the size of the network that developed on the back of your baby's neck) and a blood test to measure two types of proteins. These checks can be done since the week of the 11th until the 13th week of gestational age. This combination of first trimester tests will detect whether you are at risk of having a baby with down syndrome (a genetic disorder that causes mental and physical growth retardation in the baby) as well as other risks that might be experienced by your baby. This screening examination of risk-free and will help you decide whether it is necessary to perform diagnostic tests such as Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis which tend to have a risk of miscarriage.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS):
Diagnostic test takes cells from the placenta are then sent to a laboratory for genetic analysis. CVS was able to identify the presence of abnormalities of chromosome levels as well as other genetic disorders. This test can be done in the first trimester, usually between mingguke-11 and 12th week of pregnancy. As for other types of diagnostic tests, namely, amniocentesis can be done on Sunday, the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy.
Your Baby's Development On 9th Weeks Pregnant || Week 9
Its size is now approaching the size of grapes with a length of less than 2.5 cm and weighs about 1 ounce. Its shape already resembles a human, because parts of the bodies most essential already appear all to be perfected in subsequent months. Other striking changes occurred at its heart which is now already have four booths and a valve that has begun to take shape, as well as the loss of "the embryonic tail" of his. The organ it, like muscle and nerves were starting to work.
Signs to know sex is still not evident until the next couple of weeks. Although the eyelids are still closed, but his eyes are already well-formed. Eyelids will open on the 27th week later. Earlobe teeny already well-formed, as well as the mouth, nose, nose hole and that now are already clearly visible.
The placenta developed well and had enough time to start the role of the importance of producing hormones. Physically, the moment your baby is already at its normal shape.
Changes In Your Body:
Your stomach may have slightly enlarged, but you still don't look like pregnant women. Labile emotions you experience are still going on this week, but you're starting to get used to it. The emotional turmoil will subside by the time you enter the gestation age 6-10 weeks. Most of the pregnant women experiencing it in the second trimester, and the emotional turmoil it will appear again on the age old pregnant (third trimester).
The right time to announce your pregnancy To your boss and your co-workers:
There are several pregnant women who announced her pregnancy without hesitation in the Office despite the size of the new baby of the soybean seed. There are also some pregnant women are waiting until the second trimester of her pregnancy enters the age when her pregnancy is already quite stable so that any miscarriage risk is low. Then, when is the right time for you to announce your pregnancy?
Here are some factors that could be Your considerations:
What are you experiencing complications?
If Yes, and you need to frequently visit the doctor to make sure you and your baby's condition, it would be a relief if you announce your pregnancy early.
What you experience certain diseases?
If you feel you had enough afflicted by nausea and vomiting with frequency often, you should speak to your supervisor immediately. Ask for Your tolerance for work relief entered a critical period at the young age of your pregnancy. Usually, the condition of pregnant women tends to be stable in the age of the second trimester.
Does your work have a high risk?
If Yes, and threaten the safety of you and your baby, then immediately asked for a replacement for You and tell them the good way.
Do your boss and your co-workers support your pregnancy?
It depends on of your workplace culture. The employment relationship between you and your boss us long us this will effect. If you feel confident that you are professional workers, the announcement of your pregnancy is an advantage that can help you gain a healthy pregnancy with low levels of stress.
Activities This Week:
Do a daily ritual to retain a relationship with your baby. Provide time for five to ten minutes each day to think about your baby. Try to sit quietly and put both arms above Your stomach after waking up and before going to bed. Next, adjust the breath and starting to think about your says, dreams, and your shadow as the parent of your baby later. This is one of the right ways to bond with your baby and will help you prepare to be a good parent.
Your Baby's Development On 8th & 9th Weeks Pregnant
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