Anemia is a condition in which a person has an amount of blood under normal. A lack of red blood cells is usually indicated with a Hemoglobin count is lower than Normal. Hemoglobin is a major element of the constituent of red blood cells that have a lot of iron which helps functioning red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. When someone has a slight hemoglobin cell, then the person's body will experience a shortage of oxygen and will feel weak, limp, pale and anemic. Severe anemia may result in damage to the heart, brain and other organs of the body and leads to death.
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Some symptoms of anemia you have to know is the following:
Often Fatigue
If you often feel tired, you probably have a number of red blood cells are low. The body's energy supply relies heavily on the hydrocarbon and the lower red blood cells red blood cells, the rate of hydrocarbon in the body taking part is reduced.
Frequent Nausea
When you feel queasy moment early in the day, you could be exposed to anemia.
Eyelids Pale
Try to stretch your bottom eyelid, when you see the inside of your lower eyelids pale colored, you could be exposed to anemia.
A Pale Finger Tips
When you press the fingertips, the area will turn red. But, if you have anemia, your fingertips will be white or pale.
You often feel a headache, then beware of the bus so you are exposed to anemia. A lack of red blood cells can make the brain lack oxygen.
Irregular Heart Rate
When the body is experiencing a shortage of oxygen, the heart rate will increase. This causes the heart pounding fast and irregular.
Shortness Of Breath
The number of red blood cells is low can lower oxygen levels in the body. This makes the anemia sufferers often feel shortness of breath when doing daily activities.
Pale Face
If you have anemia, your face will look pale. The skin will also become a yellowish white.
Hair Loss
When the scalp is not getting enough food from the body, you will experience thinning hair quickly. Don't think poorly of hair loss so cool this is a symptom of anemia.
Decreased Immune
When your body has very little energy that body's your immune system will also decrease. You'll easily get sick when your immune system is weak bodies.
The CAUSE of Anemia
Anemia is usually caused by a lack of blood, red blood cell deficiency or destruction of red blood cells faster than normal. The condition can be caused by:
• Lack of foods containing iron, B12 vitamin, folic acid and C vitamin:
Iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia. About 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men suffered the iron deficiency.
Do not consume meat (vegetarians) can cause a person's lack of vitamin B12, a type of vitamin that is found only in animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk). Among the non-vegetarian, almost nothing of this vitamin deficiency because of the backup is sufficient for the production of blood cells for up to five years. Folic acid is available at many meals but mainly are found in the liver and raw green vegetables.
• Excessive menstrual Blood:
Women who are menstruating prone exposed iron deficiency anemia because when her menstrual blood a lot and will not have sufficient supplies of iron
• Pregnancy:
Women who are pregnant are prone to anemia because it affected the baby in the body of pregnant women absorb iron and vitamins for growth
• Certain medicines:
Several types of medicines can cause gastric bleeding such as Aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and others. other medications can cause absorption in iron and vitamins like Antacid, birth control pills, and others.
The following types of Anemia based on its cause:
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a major cause. When you iron deficiency so your body can not manufacture hemoglobin to red blood cells.
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Anemia is caused by chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, and HIV/AIDS. Chronic diseases can affect the production of red blood cells causing chronic anemia.
Vitamin Deficiency Anemia
The cause of this type of anemia is a deficiency of folate and vitamin B-12 will affect the production of red blood cells, some people even can not absorb vitamin B-12 with an effective.
Apalastic Anemia
This type of anemia is the most severe and the case is rare, Cause This anemia is the reduced ability of bone marrow to produce these three types of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets).
Hemolytic Anemias
This type of anemia caused by blood cells are destroyed faster and spinal cord that is not able to keep up with making red blood cell substitute. Or it could be due to autoimmune disorders of the body may cause the body produces antibodies against red blood cells so that destroy red blood cells.
Anemias Associated With Bone Marrow Disease
The disease of leukemia and myelodysplasia can lead to anemia which causes the production of blood in spinal cord decreases.
Sickle Cell Anemia
This type of anemia is caused by a disability form of hemoglobin that makes red blood cells are well-formed like a scythe. Red blood cells are dying prematurely and lead to chronic conditions the lack of red blood cells.
Other Anemia
This type of anemia differs from others, such as thalassemia and anemia caused by defects of hemoglobin.
• When you feel symptoms of anemia such as those above and those around the notice that you looked pale and tired, immediately consult a doctor. Then you will receive a physical examination, the examination of blood and other complementary examination to • determine if there is anemia and what causes it.
• Handling anemia depends on the cause. When the cause is iron deficiency food you can consume that much referring to iron and Vit B12 vitamin drink fulfillment that can provide to you.
• Recovery normally takes six to eight weeks after the treatment. After Anemic handled, you will still continue to receive your intake of iron supplements and vitamins to maintain body condition.
Natural Remedies Tackle Anemia
Spinach Consumption Spikes
Moderate spines contain a lot of iron, salt, phosphate, vitamins A, C, and k. handheld take half spinach spines. Clean, wash and then milled smooth. Next, add a half cup of hard-boiled water. After being squeezed and filtered only to be taken the water, add one chicken egg yolk and 1 tablespoon honey. Stir the mixture until blended. The potion to drink, once done 2 x a day.
Green Beans
Green beans contain vitamin B1, niacin, and B12. Provide the 1 cup of green beans. After washed, mix with 2 cups water, boil until remaining about ¾ of his. After the lukewarm, drink of water decoction of it. drink it 2 x a day.
Leaves Long Beans
Wash clean half handheld leaf long beans, and smoked for a bit. Consume as, at the time of eating. Should be consumed twice a day.
Consumption Of Green Vegetables
You can consume green vegetables such as spinach and kale. Green vegetables contain iron which can cope with anemia.
Meat Consumption
Beef also contains iron which can cope with anemia.
• Consume foods containing iron is recommended for everyone, especially for women who are pregnant or menstruating. Iron most easily occurs.absorbed sourced from meat, chicken and fish. Some foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals (iron-reinforced), eggs and nuts also contain iron, but it is more difficult to digest. To facilitate the absorption of iron, you can eat it together with meat, chicken or fish or with fruits rich in vitamin C.
• You do not need iron supplements unless recommended the doctor. high doses of iron supplements can cause constipation and stool are black. In addition, the use of iron supplements unnecessarily can hide other problems, such as bleeding in the digestive tract.
• Pregnant women are advised to consume a dietary supplement appropriate advice a doctor, including those that contain iron and folic acid to prevent anemia.
• Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus, psidium, soursop, Pawpaw, and wine can help the body absorb iron.
• Live a vegetarian diet must be done wisely because it can cause a deficiency of vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important for the formation of the body's cells, including red blood cells. If You do not consume animal foods, you need to take vitamin B12 supplements.
ANEMIA, Symptoms, Causes, And How To Resolve It
Causes And How To Resolve It
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