Secret To Brighten And Whiten Teeth


 In addition to being one of the vital organs of digestion, is also one of the dental organ supporting appearance. Your smile will be even prettier when your teeth look white, clean and healthy.
However if your teeth blackened and appear yellowish, you'll be confident when needed to smile and talk. The cause of the black or yellow teeth actually can happen due to a great many factors. Especially if we are lazy to brushing my teeth or it could be because of the way we do for teeth cleaning is not correct, it can also be causes of yellow teeth and several other causes. With our teeth look yellow this, of course, will reduce our confidence when dealing and directly communicate with others, how to whiten teeth that are already yellow is actually very much at all, from the start of the traditional ways to the modern as it is developing today. A study in America even revealed that white teeth could help enhance the attractiveness, intelligence of happiness to your career.
When has a tooth changed color how to whiten it again? To conduct the process of bleaching, in fact, you can do so in the dentist clinic.
But for this, You have to spend in deep because the cost is definitely not cheap.
However, no need to worry, there is a secret to brighten and whiten teeth that you can try to do. You can do your own care that can help whiten teeth and avoid substances that stain the teeth so that the color change does not continue. In addition to cheap, easy to do and this way also belongs to is safe and has no side effects because it uses natural ingredients. Curious?

Please try the natural way to whiten teeth:

Expand The Consumption Of White Water

Some research suggests that the colored drink such as tea, coffee, carbonated beverages or alcoholic drinks could make the discolored teeth, look dirty and dull.
Sweetness in drinks can also damage the teeth. Only a friendly drink with teeth was white water. So to get back Your white teeth, drinking plain water multiply.

Expand The Consumption Of Fruits

The fruit Apple, pear, and strawberry fruit types are friendly and protects teeth. How can that be? These fruits can stimulate the mouth turns out to produce more saliva.
This salivary function whitens teeth and removes bacteria-bacteria from the oral cavity teeth destroyer. Other foods that can stimulate salivary is celery and carrots as well. You can eat both Greens as a natural way to whiten teeth, too.

Consume Vegetables, Dark Green

The dark green vegetable is a vegetable is a spinach and broccoli. These three vegetables that have a mineral content that can manufacture membranes that can close the teeth and protects your teeth from stains.

Make Teeth Whitener Of Baking Soda

Then buy potions, toothpaste or mouthwash bleaching which can harm health, you could try making a concoction of bleach alone. Do I double the salt and baking soda ½ teaspoon each to make a cleaning concoctions of teeth. If there is, then add a few drops of essential oils that have the scent of mint. This oil serves to freshen your breath.
How life is by dipping a toothbrush that has previously been moistened in advance into the potions you made earlier. Grain baking soda serves to Polish sections of the surface of your teeth.
Meanwhile, the chemical reaction of water with the herb will help brighten teeth from stains. Although help brightens teeth, this herb should not be applied too often because it can damage the protective layer of the teeth. You can use it once a week.

Leveraging The Benefits Of Orange Peel

By using orange peel which is still fresh, we can use it to whiten teeth. Certainly, many of us who never thought of this, but in fact, it can be done, and some of our other friends have tried it and proved successful. It's easy, we could use the parts in slightly stringy orange peel and white for later brushed our yellow teeth. How to whiten yellow teeth already should be we do regularly every day, and later our teeth will be transformed into pure white. Be careful make friends who have sensitive teeth, because the vitamin C found in citrus peels it according to some sources are not suitable for this type of sensitive teeth.

Utilizing The Seeds Of Areca Nut

There are who do not know the seeds of areca nut? already see huh? the seeds of this fruit are believed by some in the community in ancient times can help to treat and whiten teeth. How do you do? easy enough, that only by burning the contents of areca nut is a seed until it is charred after that then crushed until it becomes very soft. Then the next step is rubbing the seeds of areca nut had said previously we already puree on our teeth using husk pinang or with a cloth. Do this once a week on a regular basis and continuous, then later the result our teeth to become white, in addition to the uses already we pass in front of, the seeds of areca nut can also make teeth we become strong.

Avoid A Mouthwash Containing Dyes

Mouthwash can be used as one way to make permanent teeth brilliant and breath stays fresh. However, as much as possible avoid the mouthwash was given a dye such as yellow, Orange, green or blue.
If you use a mouthwash that contains dyes in a long time, the dyes can make your teeth getting darker little by little. So as much as possible avoid drug-dye gargle.

Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is one way to brighten and whiten teeth that are already yellow most required. Need to let us know that smoking a joint inside contain tar mixed with tobacco is one of the causes of our teeth becomes yellow creature. So from this can we take the conclusion that if we want to whiten teeth naturally it's good we immediately stop smoking from now on also with quit smoking then there are 2 advantages which we will get, that is in addition to the yellow teeth can prevent it will also make our lives so much healthier.

So last how to brighten and whiten teeth we have an auto-summary and try to serve through this article. These are some of the easiest ways that we can do to whiten teeth quickly without having to pay that much. Natural ingredients as well as supported in the right way will be able to help us with our whiten teeth fast and are also not as important to keep regularly brushing my teeth at least twice a day. Hopefully some of the tips that we provide for this rewarding friends and messages we do always the Customs-good living habits so that our health and beauty are always awake as we want.

Secret To Brighten And Whiten Teeth

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