Your Baby's Development On 4th Weeks Pregnant || Week 4
This week, your baby's development enters a phase of embryonic. From now until the next ten weeks, all the organs in your baby begins to grow and even most started functioning although not yet perfect. This is a vulnerable phase for your baby against anything that can disrupt development.
At this time your baby is an embryo by 4-5 mm, consisting of layers of the epiblast and hypoblast which will be the origin of the development of organs and body parts of your baby. In this phase, the newly well-formed placenta also consists of two layers. His cell later became a sort of tunnel that connected into the wall of your uterus, creating room to drain the blood. So at the end of this week, the placenta is being developed that will serve provide nutrients and oxygen to your baby.
In addition, the amniotic sac as a "home" for your baby also has begun to take shape with the amniotic fluid as a bearing during its growth. Then, came the yolk sac also produces red blood cells and helps deliver nutrients to your baby while waiting for the development of the placenta until the perfect fit to run the function.
Changes In Your Body:
This week you've got to make sure the pregnancy. For accurate results using a pregnancy test at home, wait until Your period came month passes. If you do test shows positive results, immediately call your doctor and make a schedule for Your first pregnancy checkup. Typically, doctors start will do the examination after age eight weeks of your pregnancy (unless your condition is medically necessary examination; there are problems in a previous pregnancy).
If you regularly consume the drugs, whether prescription drugs or not, then you need to ask the doctor whether the drugs are still safe for consumption. Make sure, too, that your doctor knows all the problems that you are naturally that may need more attention.
Now, it is the time you meet the folic acid intake of at least 400 micrograms (mcg) a day. But, at a time when pregnant you need at least 600 mcg a day. Then, if you are already pregnant, positive fill special vitamin intake for pregnant women from now on.
The next six weeks is an important phase in the development of your baby. Early versions of the placenta and the umbilical cord have already started functioning delivered food and oxygen to your baby. Because the placenta connects you with your baby, then what you consume will affect your baby, so make sure that what you consume food that is good for you and your baby.
Most test results are not sensitive enough urine to detect the pregnancy age of four weeks. If the urine test that you do at home shows negative results, keep trying over the next five weeks the US long us you are not menstruating.
If you've been trying for a year (or six months if you are over the age of 35 years old) but is not showing signs of pregnancy, consult your doctor to do a fertility test you and your partner. If the results are disappointing, at least you have discovered the problem earlier now in order to find the solution faster and do treatment or program so that you can have a baby.
There are some women who feel confident if they're pregnant even though the pregnancy test at home showed negative results. So they wait a few days to do a retest on the morning of the test, and it turned shows positive results. (from various sources)
Your Baby's Development On 5th Weeks Pregnant || Week 5
This week, your baby's embryonic is developing very rapidly in Your uterine wall. In this phase the size of sesame seeds and look more like small tadpoles than humans. He already has three layers, the ectoderm, the mesoderm layer i.e. and the endoderm that will form all organs and tissues.
Layers of ectoderm are nerve tube, which would later develop into the brain, spinal cord, nerves and spine. This layer will also brighten the skin, and grow hair, nails, sweat glands, mammary glands, and a layer of teeth.
The heart and circulatory system circulatory already begin to form on the middle layer or mesoderm. (this week, his little heart was already divided into two rooms and is already ticking for pumping blood). Mesoderm also serves to build muscle, cartilage, bone and tissue under the skin.
The third layer, i.e., the endoderm, will become home to the lungs, intestines, urinary system, and thyroid gland, liver, and pancreas which currently is still not perfect. Meanwhile, the placenta and the umbilical cord is still not perfect has already started functioning delivering nutrients and oxygen to your baby.
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Your Baby's Development On 5 Week Pregnant |
Changes In Your Body:
You may already feel the inconvenience on your body Your pregnancy related. Many women who complain because of pain in the breast, fatigue, frequent urination and at the beginning of this week. You may experience nausea, though actually tend to appear in the following few weeks.
A cursory look, there are no signs of the dramatic developments that took place within you. However, it is important for you to begin to avoid alcohol because it will definitely affect the development of your baby. You must also start the exercise routine. Exercise helps you improve the strength and endurance of your body. In addition, you need to control your weight to be able to support the weight of your baby later. The sport also prevents aches and pains during pregnancy and many women who think that sports as a way to dampen the powerful stress.
In addition, exercise will help you prepare activities that require physical exertion. In addition, it will be easy for you to return the weight of post-childbirth if you are already accustomed to exercising during pregnancy and continues after birth. Please choose a type of gentle exercise and safe for pregnant women, such as walking and swimming.
To ease the pain in your breast that had already begun to dilate, you can use a special sports bra during pregnancy.
Surprising Facts And Tips For Obtaining A Healthy Pregnancy:
This month is a critical time for the development of your baby. Therefore you need to take steps to keep your health and your baby's. (read "steps to stay healthy during pregnancy").
Investigate Early Pregnancy, early pregnancy checks and conducted on a regular basis will be very good for your health and your baby of course. On the first inspection (usually, when the content reaches the age of eight weeks) you will be checked to see if your condition or not complications. If you have not selected a doctor or make an appointment with your doctor, so now you need to make it a priority to you.
The consumption of Vitamins pregnancy, Usually supplements or vitamins for pregnancy contains more folic acid, iron, and calcium than ordinary multivitamins. Pregnant women need more nutrients but don't overdo it, too, because excessive vitamins are not always better, even in some cases can be dangerous.
Sufficient folic acid needs to be very important for pregnant women, especially the period of the first trimester. It can reduce the risk of your baby's exposed defects in the tube of her nerves such as spina bifida (cleft spine).
Consult Your Doctor To drug use, there are some drugs that are not safe for pregnant women. If you are accustomed to taking medication to cope with the chronic condition in your body, immediately ask first to your doctor to find out the list of drugs that are safe for consumption, including supplements and herbal remedies as well.
Stop smoking, smoking can increase the risk of miscarriages, abnormalities in the placenta, and preterm birth. In addition, smoking also slows fetal growth and increase the risk of death in infants. Some studies even say that smoking can also increase the risk of a baby born with a cleft lip.
No word is too late to stop smoking. For every cigarette, You will never turn on the slightest give a healthy impact on your baby. For assistance, you can visit the article entitled "stop smoking during pregnancy".
Stop drinking alcohol, a glass of alcohol a day can lower the baby's weight, and low learning ability, speak the language, sensitivity, and the liveliness of your child. Because of the small number of levels of alcohol can have a major impact influenced the development of your baby, then stop drinking alcohol from now on!
Make sure Your home and Job Security, some work or hobbies you can also harm the development of the baby. When your routine too often relate to chemicals, heavy metals (such as lead and mercury), biological agents, radiation, you should immediately change it. Please note that some cleaning products containing pesticides, solvents and drinking water from sources that are not clean, too dangerous. Talk to your doctor or midwife about Your routine, so you can avoid or eliminate hazards in your home and your workplace.
Activities This Week:
Set up Your meeting schedule with your doctor and midwife you choose – Remember when is the first day of your last menstruation, this will help your doctor or midwife you know the age of Your content.
Talk to your family from both sides about Your family medical history, your physician or midwife because You need to know is there any chronic conditions or genetic abnormalities of the families of the two sides.
Still confused knowing the age of your pregnancy? Let's start by calculating the age of your pregnancy from the first day of your last menstruation, as many doctors and experts of obstetrics. When you know the positive results of a pregnancy test you did, was about three weeks after conception. So, it can be estimated that the age of your pregnancy about five weeks.
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