Before the fetus begins to develop, there will be changes that gradually occurred on your body. The initial stage is the increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone hormones flowing through blood flow towards uterus (uterine wall). The hormone estrogen function supports the egg cells fertilized, while potentially hormone progesterone will form a coating to strengthen the uterus. This process occurs in the first week of pregnancy. At the same time, the egg will be overcooked by a purified fluid.
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Fertilization To Obtain Pregnancy |
Furthermore, approximately fourteen days of the menstrual cycle for twenty-eight days there was an ovulatory stimulant process, namely the release of eggs from the ovarian follicle and carried away from heading to the fallopian tubes. Over the next twelve to twenty-four hours later, conception will occur.4womenonly when one of the two hundred fifty million sperm released by your spouse managed to swim toward the cervix to the uterus and fallopian tubes to fertilize Your ovum. Am just about sperm able to survive in the tough journey for ten hours, and the only one that will be successful dig your egg cell outer membrane.
Furthermore, it took about twenty minutes for the lucky winners find a way entrance. For ten to thirty hours following sperm cell nucleus (nucleus) will join the ovum to form a combination of the genetic material of both. If the sperm carrying a Y chromosome, it will be created a baby boy, and if the X chromosome that carried away, then you will get a baby girl. Three to four-day journey from fallopian tubes toward the uterus, an already fertilized ovum (Zygote) will be split into sixteen identical cells.
After coming into the uterus, the Zygote is now called morula. A day or two later, it will continue to dig up towards the wall of the uterus for continued transformation and growth. At this stage, your baby is shaped like a small ball or commonly called blastocyst by scientists. The blastocyst has a mass of cells in the embryo that will form his own, i.e. a cavity containing a liquid that will become the amniotic sac, and the outer cell mass will form the placenta, an organ of the pancake-shaped function of distributing oxygen and nutrients in your baby as well as carry out litter.
Note: each baby has different growth, even in the womb. This information is only to give a general overview of the development of the baby.
Changes In Your Body:
Ovulation occurs after twelve to sixteen days from the first day of your last menstruation. Indeed the calculation it looks weird, but it's prevalent methods of physicians to calculate gestational age. Gestation lasts for thirty-eight weeks since conception occurs, but because of the difficulty of determining precisely when egg and sperm cells join, then the doctors count the forty weeks of pregnancy, which started from the first day of your last menstruation. That is, the age of your pregnancy is two weeks when conception occurred.
Many factors could cause the occurrence of fertilization (conception), in this case, a factor time becomes crucial. To increase the chances of pregnancy, you can make connections in a span of seventy-two (72) hours prior to ovulation and twenty-four (24) hours afterward (given that the age of the sperm only last for 72 hours and the egg cells only survive less than 24 hours after ovulation). Don't hesitate, make an agreement with your spouse by specifying a schedule that is right for you both to do a relationship.
Before heading to bed, estimate Your ovulation phase in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. Select the position of the sex you have agreed in advance. Some couples usually need more time and effort to be able to bring a baby into their lives.
If you want to get pregnant and still have not been able to stop drinking (alcohol), smoking and drug use (whether drugs sold in pharmacies is official or not), now's the time to stop the bad habit. Because a healthy body needs to be able to gain a healthy pregnancy anyway. Don't forget to consume a daily multivitamin containing 400 micrograms of folic acid (ideally since three months before pregnancy) to reduce the risk of birth defects in your baby.
Wake up romantic mood so that you both can really enjoy making love. It can start with a romantic dinner, decorate your bedroom both with candles and flowers can also create your relationship with spouse become closer. In doing so, who knows You can bring couples together the first baby in the middle of the lives of both of you.
Fertilization To Obtain Pregnancy
Fertilization To Obtain Pregnancy
Health Info
Moms and Kids
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