The Kinds of Nutrient

Nutrients are substances that are related to health and disease, including the entire process in the human body to receive food or ingredients from his life and use of these materials for an important activity in the body and excrete the rest. These are the kinds of nutrients :

The Kinds of Nutrient

Ø  Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Nearly 80% of the energy produced from carbohydrates. The function of carbohydrates is to back up the power of the body fat, metabolism, the setting for the efficiency of the use of the protein and gives a sense of satiety. Sources of carbohydrates are a staple food, which is derived from plants such as rice, maize, cassava, sago, and others. Based on its chemical makeup of carbohydrates are classified into three types namely Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

1.      Monosaccharides
A monosaccharide is the simplest type of carbohydrate and is a very small molecule. Type of monosaccharide is glucose dextrose which many found in fruits and vegetables, there are a lot of fructose in fruit, vegetables, and honey.
2.      Disaccharide
A type of disaccharide is sucrose, maltose, and lactose. Sucrose and maltose much on plant foods, while the lactose that is a type of sugar in milk, both the mother's milk or dairy animal.
3.      Polysaccharide
The polysaccharide is a combination of several monosaccharide molecules. A type of polysaccharide is starch, glycogen, substance and cellulose.

Ø  Protein
Proteins function as and replace body tissue. The simplest form of a protein is amino acids. Amino acids stored in the network in the form of hormones and enzymes. The protein serves as an energy source in addition to carbohydrates and fat, maintaining the health and vitality of the body, the formation of enzymes, antibodies, and the formation of milk when lactation process. The source of protein is made up of animal protein, namely proteins derived from animals such as milk, meat, eggs, liver, shrimp, fish, mussels, and chicken, as well as vegetable proteins, namely proteins derived from plants such as corn, soybeans, green beans, and so on.

Ø  Fat
Fats or lipids is the second source of energy after carbohydrates. Fat serves as a backup energy source, the components of the cell membrane, dissolve vitamins A, D, E, and K so that it can be absorbed by the intestinal wall, and provide acid essential fatty acids.
Fats are composed of vegetable fat that contains more unsaturated fatty acids such as those found in nuts and animal fats that contain a lot of saturated fatty acids with long chains as in beef, mutton, and others.

Ø  Vitamin
Vitamins are organic substances, its existence very little on food and can't be made in the body. Very vitamins play a role in metabolic processes due to its function as a catalyst. The main function of vitamins is for growth, development, and maintenance of health. Vitamins can be classified into 2 IE water-soluble vitamins consists of vitamin B complex, B1, B2, B3, B12, and vitamin C and fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Ø  Mineral
The mineral is an element essential for the organic body because of its role as a catalyst in biochemical reactions. In general, the function of the mineral is building a network of bones, regulate the osmotic pressure in the body, giving electrolytes for muscles and nerves and make a variety of enzymes.

Ø  Water
Water is the most fundamental food substances needed by the human body. The human body is made up of 50%-70% water. Water intake is very important for living things to survive compared to the income of the other nutrients.

The Kinds of Nutrient

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