5 Effects of inflammation in the Body


You've heard about the drug and the anti-inflammatory diet or anti-inflammatory, but do you really know what is inflammation? In brief, the inflammation is the response of the body to threats such as stress, infection, or toxic chemicals.

Effects of inflammation in the Body

When the immune system perceives one of this danger, the body will respond with how to activate proteins that are intended to protect cells and tissues.
But if the body's immune cells begin to overreact, inflammation can backfire and it is dangerous.

Chronic inflammation has a number of causes, including bacterial, viral or autoimmune disorders, sweet and fatty foods, or how you handle stress.

Here are some ways the inflammation affects your health, both short term, and long term.

Fight infection
Inflammation is most visible (and most profitable) serves to heal wounds or disease-fighting: "you know that has happened in inflammation in your body when you have a fever or sore throat throat glands swelled due," said Timothy Denning, Ph.D., Professor, and researcher on immunology at Georgia State University.

Or when wounds become flushed and warm when touched. Swelling, redness, and warmth are signs that your immune system sends white blood cells to the area who are sick to fight germs.

In this case, the inflammation is a healthy reaction of your body. When an infection or disease is gone, inflammation is also missing.

Can harm your gut
Many of the body's immune cells, there is and a group around the gut said, Denning. In most of the time, the immune cells that ignoring the trillions of bacteria that live in the intestines of healthy.

"But for most people, who have an excess of tolerance levels, immune cells they react actively against the presence of the bacteria, creating chronic inflammation."

The result, the immune cells can invade the digestive tract itself. This autoimmune condition is known as inflammatory bowel disorder. Symptoms include diarrhea, cramping, ulcers, and even may require surgical removal of the colon.

Doctors don't know for sure why some people suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. But, genetics, environment, antibiotics, diet, and stress all seem to play a role.

Can jeopardize your joints
When inflammation occurs in the joints, it can cause serious damage. One of the conditions of joint damage is rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

RA is also an autoimmune disorder caused by genetic factors. In addition, RA is also associated with the habit of smoking, lack of vitamin D, and other risk factors.

A study at Yale University in 2013 to discover, that a high salt diet can contribute to the increased risk of RA.

Increases the risk of heart disease
Every part of your body that is hurt or damaged can trigger inflammation, including the inside of blood vessels. The formation of fatty plaques inside arteries can trigger chronic inflammation.

Fatty plaque attracts white blood cells, and then grow larger, and can form blood clots, which can cause heart attacks.

One of the specific proteins, called interleukin-6 (IL-6), allegedly played a key role in this regard, according to a study of the science in 2012, published by the journal Lancet.

Increase the risk of cancer
Chronic inflammation has been linked to cancer of the lung, esophagus, cervix, and digestive tract.

A study conducted at the University olehHarvard in 2014 found that teenage obesity with high inflammation levels experienced a cancer risk of 63 percent higher during adulthood when compared to their counterparts with lower levels of inflammation.

"When the body's immune cells begin to produce an inflammatory condition, immune regulation becomes worse and create an optimal environment for the proliferation of cancer cells," Mohamadzadeh said.

5 effects of inflammation in the body affect your health
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