5 Types of Food Energy Givers


Sleep is very important for good health. MayoClinic.com stated, that adults can have a lower mortality rate and could do with a good complex task if they get seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Types of Food Energy Givers

But waking up in the morning sometimes difficult if you spend a night without sleep. Here are some foods that can help refresh you:

1. Wheat
Wheat contains a high fiber and carbs are complex. Wheat is also a food for breakfast the most nutritious vegetables because it can help You to live a refreshing day. Some of the food grain, including wheat, flour, oatmeal, and bulgur.

2. Fruits with Vitamin C
Studies conducted at Arizona State University, Tempe, pointed out that the participants have sufficient vitamin C intake, can do the treadmill exercise well. A few fruits containing vitamin C is orange, guava, strawberries, kiwi fruit, and melons.

3. Protein
Include protein into Your breakfast menu to get a durable energy. Some foods and beverages that contain protein, is fat-free milk, cheese, eggs and low-fat yogurt.

If anyone can't sit long to do breakfast, you can follow the tips below:


1 cup vanilla flavored yogurt,
1 cup of milk, two percent
1 medium-size banana which cut into pieces
2 tablespoons of wheat powder
2 tablespoons protein powder is smooth.
Ice cubes (optional)
Berry fruit (optional)

The food is ready to be enjoyed!

5 Types of Food Energy Givers
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