Appropriate Nutrition To Grow Babies


Babies (0 to 24 months) requires the type of foods breast milk (BREAST MILK), milk formula, and solid food. Calorie needs for the baby between 100 – 200 kcal/kg. In the first four months, the baby better gets only BREAST MILK (BREAST MILK exclusively) without given milk formula. More than 4 months of age can be given food companion infant formula or BREAST MILK, except in some specific cases when the child does not get BREAST MILK, such as mothers with postnatal complications, pregnant women, suffering from infectious diseases and still in a steroid therapy or morphine.

Following are the awarding of appropriate nutrition from birth in infants aged to 12 months:

a. Newborn until the age of 4 months
The baby began early feedings possible, directly after birth. Time and long breastfeeding baby need (on demand). Avoid the granting of extra food like honey, water, an aqueous solution of glucose and other pre-lacteal foods. If after feedings then turns out the baby became bluish and shortness of breath, need a thought to the possibility of the existence of such obstruction or abnormalities of esophageal fistula.

Next baby may be given fruits (banana) or biscuit since the age of 2 months while feeding pulverized to tender ( a porridge of milk) at the age of 3 – 4 months, according to the baby's needs respectively. The baby will be hungry and be crying when BREAST MILK is less and it will also be seen from the growth of the baby that is not satisfactory. To cope with the growth, the baby needs to be weighed regularly, i.e. whenever possible conducted every day on the first week, then every week until the end of the first month, and then every 2 weeks in the second and third month onwards every month. 

On the fourth month usually begins feeding solid food, namely pulverized milk porridge, for example, which can be made of flour (rice or corn), milk and sugar. Time to give food pulverized can be selected accordingly, for example, around 9:00 am by observing that the approximately 2 hours earlier. Now were not given what – nothing. Thus the baby breastfeeding with its needs, given the one-time milk porridge and fruits once. At this age can also be given chicken eggs, but will need to be alert to the possibility of allergic reaction with symptoms of urticaria. When this occurs, the granting of the egg is suspended. Usually, every baby is already resistant to the egg at the age of 7 months.

b. Infant age 5 – 6 months
Can be given pureed food 2 times a day, milk fruits and eggs.

c. Infant age 6 – 7 months
Babies can start given the rice team which is a bland foods and also a complete mix of food because it can be made from rice, food sources of animal protein (liver, chopped meat, egg or fish meal) and vegetable protein sources food ingredients namely tofu, tempeh, green vegetables (spinach), tomatoes and carrots. Thus the steam rice is foods that contain nutrients that are complete when made with the ingredients. During infancy, the steam rice must be filtered beforehand to facilitate swallowing and not a lot of fibers that can be difficult for digestion.

d. A baby aged 8 – 12 months
Porridge of milk can already be replaced entirely with steam rice, that is, early in the morning as the morning meal, for example, hours 9:00 am, during the day as a lunch around 13.00 and in the afternoon as the dinner around 17.00 – 18.00. When the baby is feeding in accordance with the suggestion that is exceeding the period of 1 year, to note the incidence of anorexia to food possible, so that the child will lack protein and calories, and eventually suffer disease Protein Energy Malnutrition.

A successful baby eating arrangements in infancy will facilitate the smooth setting to eat at the age to come. At the end of infancy have been conditioned babies received food 3 times a day, i.e. in the morning (breakfast), noon (lunch), and the afternoon or evening (dinner). During infancy the eggs enough, given once a day, when the baby is not allergic. Eggs can be eaten cooked or cooked in its own half-cooked or eaten together with the rice team.

Appropriate Nutrition To Grow Babies

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