The Things You Need To Know About Pregnancy Tests


Here are the things you need to know about early pregnancy tests:

1. When is the right time to do a pregnancy test and get accurate results?
The time it is best to wait for a week after. Because at that time a young pregnant woman who already has had enough of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine they are to detect pregnancy. Many products pregnancy test 99% accuracy claim that can be used as soon as possible the day after the menstruation You completed. But, the results of research published in 2004 by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed the claim is not right. Researchers from the University of New Mexico have been evaluating 6 pregnancy test and found only one that is consistent and sensitive enough to detect hCG levels on the first day after the menstruation is complete. As for most other tests show the results of 16% on the phase of pregnancy.

2. How do I get the best results of a pregnancy test?
First, check the date of expiring and make sure conditions are still good. Store pregnancy test in a place warm and moist (like the bathroom) can damage the pregnancy test kits, so you should replace it with a new one. Please read the instructions carefully, because of the varied brands instruct thing varies anyway. In addition, more accurate results to do the test in the morning, when the levels of concentration of the hormone HCG in your urine are still very high.

If the tests show negative results and you're still not menses, wait for a few days up to a week and try again. Don't be quick to assume that a negative result is a sign you're not pregnant. Remember! You may still be pregnant if you haven't.

3. Is the vague line is a sign of pregnancy?
If the results of a pregnancy test look cryptic but showed a positive sign, chances are you are already pregnant. Because to detect and show positive results by using a pregnancy test, your body must have the hCG hormone levels 25 mIU/ml in urine.

Can you get a positive result that looks vaguely, but to be sure tries again in two or three days later? Congratulations, if the second test result is clearly visible. But, if the second test result is clearly visible, You may have experienced a miscarriage. Experts say that 20 to 30 percent of pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

The Things You Need To Know About Pregnancy Tests
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