4 Drinks That Is Good For Dental health


A few drinks can be a good or bad impact on the health of your teeth. Dr. Brian dentist's Office, in the Office and Lituchy Lowenberg, New York, explains the four types of drinks that are good for dental health.

The following lists four types of drinks offered from pages Purewow,

1. Milk

Milk is beneficial for the body. The content of calcium and vitamin D in milk products make the body stay strong and healthy. Milk also contains casein, a type of protein that forms a protective film on the enamel of teeth to prevent hole tooth.

2. Vodka soda

If you are going to order a drink at the bar, order a drink this clear colored. Vodka sodas will not stain the teeth. Even this drink could eradicate the bacteria that cause bad breath.

3. Green tea or herbal

Green tea is caffeinated drink selection is good. This type of tea also will not make the teeth so yellow.

4. mineral water

As the name suggests, the mineral water contains many minerals such as calcium phosphate, who helped reshape the enamel of the tooth.

4  Drinks That Is Good For Dental health
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