The Impact Of Nutrition On Growth Child


Providing nutrition to children is not merely-eyes to meet physical needs or the physiology of children, but also have an impact on aspects of psychodynamic, psychosocial development, and organic. These following will be described the effect of nutrition on these aspects. 

1. The psychological impact 

· Psychodynamic

In children aged infant, fulfilling basic needs are basic needs through oral. Oral phase successfully just passed if the child gets satisfaction in the fulfillment of oral during eating and drinking. Eating and drinking need of children filled the environment, especially the mother, either in the form of milk (breast milk) during breastfeeding or creamed foods. 
The impact of psychodynamics to the infant is a satisfaction for the fulfillment of basic needs and warmth when these basic needs fulfilled.

· Psychosocial

The initial phase of growth and development of children under the psychosocial approach is to achieve a sense of trust and distrust as a failure in meeting those needs. 
Food can be a stimulus to alleviate child hunger and quench consistent against hunger can affect the child's trust in the environment, especially in the family.

· Organic (Piaget)

Organic developments experienced by children through food is getting some sensory experiences, such as flavor or taste, smell, movement, and touch. Thus introduced a wide variety of food, the child will be rich with a variety of flavors, as well as increasing the wealth of smell through foodstuffs.

Furthermore, with the food the child will be able to improve their skills, like holding a bottle of milk, holding cups, spoons, and movement coordination skills such as bribing and scoop the food.

2. Physiological impact

The impact of nutrition on children who are clearly visible on physical growth of children. During intrauterine (in the uterus), adequate nutritional intake in the mother affects not only the health of the mother but more on the growing fetus. With adequate nutritional intake, from day to day growing larger mother's pregnancy and the fetus grows in line with evolving to gestation and mature, the fetus is ready to be born with body weight, body length and physical growth of more normal organs.

Especially in the first trimester in the event of brain growth, adequate nutritional intake, especially protein affects my brain growth. Conversely, if the mother is not gotten adequate nutrition, the baby can be born with low weight. Diet or food restriction in the mother during pregnancy will lose weight babies. Likewise, after the child was born, proper nutrition for the infant, toddler, preschool, school age, and teens will be very affected their physical growth, the child will be tethered weight and increased high or increasing in quantity.

The Impact Of Nutrition On Growth Child
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