Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food

Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food
Healthy food is very good for our bodies because these foods contain many nutrients, such as protein, fiber, and iron. However, there are times when bored hit, appears desire eating less healthy. Here are easy tips to replace less healthy foods with healthy foods such as below :

1. Cream Cheese

Smart tips: you can replace it with a brand of cheese which is a smaller version of your favorite meal.

2. Potato chips.

Smart tips: you can replace them with homemade vegetable chips, of course with healthy ingredients as well. You could try to slice a few sweet potatoes and carrots and then toss with olive oil, salt, and Your favorite spices, baked oven last until crisp.

3. Ice cream

Smart tips: you can replace it with a frozen banana puree. Recipe to make these foods you can search online. In addition, you can also add a Strawberry fruit and walnuts.

Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food
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