Your baby's Development On 10th & 11th Weeks Pregnant


Your baby's Development On 10th Weeks Pregnant || Week 10

Although the new size 2.5 cm more (from head to tail bone), with a weight of less than ¼ ounce (7 grams), is currently entering the stage of development of your baby is the most important. This is the beginning of the fetal period, a phase when tissues and organs on babies quickly grow and mature (not embryonic). Your baby will swallow the liquid and begin to WAST excellent. Vital organs, including the kidneys, gut, brain and liver (which at this stage has been producing red blood cells), have been in place and working as its function. The organs will continue to evolve along with your pregnancy journey.

Your baby's Development On 10th Weeks Pregnant || Week 10

If you could peek into your womb, it would seem that little fingernail detail arms and legs that were no longer webbed. It also appears the hair-fine hair that grows on the skin. Joints in the legs and arms of your baby have now been able to bend. Both hands holding each other up over her chest. Both legs are already quite long and are able to bend and attaches on the front part of the body (such as a squat position). The contour of the shoulder bones is already visible with good, accompanied by nerve vertebra which has already started to unfold along the cheekbones. The head of the front (forehead) baby you look prominent along with the growth of the brain size is very large. The following week, your baby will grow twice as large (about 5 cm).

Changes In Your Body:

On examination of your pregnancy, you will probably hear your baby's heartbeat rapid with the help of the Doppler stethoscope, which will be placed on top of your stomach. Many women say that their baby's heartbeat sounds like the rumble of marching the horse who was running fast. For some of them, to hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time is a very moving moment.

This week, ready or not you may already have to use maternity clothes. Even if you have not done so, the clothes you normally use may already feel uncomfortable (tight), because your breasts are engorged now began to torture you. Thickening of the stomach (the torso) you will force you to use pants, skirts, as well as a belt made from stretchy comfy you every day.
You can only perform a variety of activities while you are pregnant, depending on your fitness level. The sport of swimming and walking in the morning was the right choice during pregnancy. Exercise can increase the time of muscle, strength, and stamina your body. The quality of these three things you have to keep, as will help you physically and mentally during Your pregnancy and childbirth.

 Tip: facing exactly the symptoms of morning sickness happens at night

If you experience this, you can set up your eating schedule by taking a portion of a lot at breakfast and serves snacks, crackers (little, cheese or cereal when the tombs of the night.

Three Things About Infection During Pregnancy You Need To Know:

1. Urinary tract infection during pregnancy

Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that most often occurred during pregnancy. An increase in the hormone progesterone is one cause. This hormone relaxes Your urinary tract so it may slow the flow of Your urine, and allows the bacteria to thrive.
An infection occurs when bacteria in the intestines move from rectum to the urethra (urine carrier channels from the bladder out of the body) to Your urinary tract where they breed. Sometimes they cause infection of the urinary bladder (cystitis). Cystitis symptoms including pain, discomfort, and like burning during urination. Then often arise curiosity urination and pelvic section feels discomfort and lower abdominal pain. Your urine looks cloudy colored and has a bad odor. Immediately check to your physician, if you think you are affected by the symptoms of cystitis. The doctor will give you safe antibiotics consumed during pregnancy to prevent the occurrence of problems worse. Antibiotics will very likely eliminate the symptoms within a few days, but remember to get rid of then need to do a treatment to eliminate all bacteria. The bacteria can also breed on the urinary tract without causing any symptoms (this condition is called bacterial asymptomatic), here's why you should give Your urine sample at the time of the examination of the first pregnancy. You will need antibiotics if you are exposed to the bacteria is asymptomatic.

2. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a genital tract infection (reproductive organs) caused by excess growth of bacteria in your vagina. You may not feel any symptoms, if yes, you may notice little white spots, namely milk or gray with a bad fishy smell (the smell appeared once in contact sex). In addition, you may have some irritation in the form of itching around the vagina and vulva you. Although half of all women who are affected by these symptoms do not experience BV, BV can lead to increased risk of premature labor and rupture of the amniotic membranes prematurely. If you have symptoms of BV or if you get the risk of premature delivery, your doctor will detect infection and give You antibiotics.

 3. Fungal infections

A yeast infection is an infection of the vagina is often the case when you are pregnant. This infection is caused by a microscopic fungus Candida in the family. This fungus is found on at least one of the three women, and will only become a problem if it develops very quickly where the mushrooms overwhelm other microorganisms. Increasing the hormone estrogen during pregnancy resulted in the production of more glycogen in your vagina, this is what makes it easy for the fungus continues to grow. A yeast infection will not affect the development of your baby. If you get infected at the time of delivery, there is a chance your baby is contracting at the time he passed the line of your uterus. Yeast infection causing thrush (white plaque on the lips of the infant) which can be easily treated in a newborn.

 Activities This Week:

Buy new underwear – If your breast pain, look for a cotton bra that fits the size of your breasts. Special pregnant women bra can provide extra comfort for you. Your breast size may be increased by one or two levels than usual, especially for women who conceive their first child.

Your baby's Development On 11th Weeks Pregnant || Week 11

The length of his body now was up to 4-5 cm and the shape of her body was nearing perfection. He was able to open up and fisted his Palm. Her little teeth that are still buds already appear in the gums, and some bones were already beginning to harden. Kicking and Flex both feet will be the bustle, the movements he does look like ballet in the water. Frequency does these movements will increase in line with the more developed and the proper functioning of the organs in the body.

Changes In Your Body:

At this time, you may feel more energetic, nausea may have started to decline. Unfortunately, you may be experiencing constipation (constipation), which is caused by hormonal changes that slow the digestive system. You may also experience a sense of heat in the esophageal and stomach, this is due to hormones that relax the heart valve between esophageal Cell with the stomach. Remember that any discomfort you experience this is for a good reason.

Don't worry if nausea decreases Your appetite (including tastes towards healthier food) or because your weight doesn't come up. Because Your appetite will soon be back to normal and your weight will be increased by half a kilogram per week.

Tip: If you do not want to feel bored a long wait in the queue at the time of the pregnancy examination at the hospital, make it a habit to always come than the schedule your doctor's practice.

Three things about the food and drink for pregnant women

You may often hear about the food at risk for pregnancy. Even though it is true there are some foods that are a high risk for Your pregnancy complications, but there is also a large portion of the food is low-risk and safe for you and your baby. The following is a description of the foods are safe and unsafe for you to choose wisely during pregnancy:

1. Foods that need to be avoided

Some types of seafood (seafood) contain high levels of mercury pollutants that can harm your baby's brain development. Although on the other hand, seafood could also as a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids are good for your eyes and your baby's brain development. The key is to consume fish that are low in contaminants and not excessive amounts.

• Avoid consuming fish containing high levels of mercury, such as:
-Swordfish (swordfish),
-Big mackerel (king mackerel),

A pregnant woman safely consumes 12 ounces of low-mercury fish per week. Do not consume more than 6 ounces of tuna or tuna steaks contain mercury higher than canned tuna. • Avoid consuming any raw or half-cooked food for bacteria and parasites will make you sick and may affect your baby.

2. Drinks that need to be Avoided

Water-alcohol beverage is a must to • avoid. Fast-flowing alcohol in the bloodstream leading to your baby, a mouthful of alcohol a day can increase the risk of problems in your baby. There is no scientific evidence that ever explain that alcohol is safe for consumption. In addition, all types of drinks that are not sterile and contains e-Coli bacteria is certainly very dangerous to you and your baby.
Caffeine may be as long as you are hearing isn't good for pregnancy is a myth, not caffeine you consume in excess will not be a problem. It also applies to chocolate, tea, and soda drinks (soft drinks), keep you are not excessive consumption.

3. Overcoming food poisoning

Cook your food until completely cooked, if necessary use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the food. Especially if you cook the meat, so in order to be completely cooked evenly (the middle section no longer pink).
Reheat leftovers again before you consume it. Separate raw foods with foods that are cooked. Wash and peel the fruit and vegetables in advance that you will consume. Wash your hands with warm soapy water whenever you want to eat. Eat immediately food in containers that you have open, since the date of the expiration is valid only if the packaging has not been opened (broken).

Activities this week:

Discuss with experienced – the women (including your mother), or anyone who already officially becomes a mom (having a child) would be able to give you the best advice for you during pregnancy. The experience and empathy from a fellow expectant mothers (mothers seasoned) will help you become steady through pregnancy. Pregnancy is not uncommon, able to hold his own with his mother pregnant. If you are confused to start asking, try to ask questions about the beautiful things they experience during pregnancy.

Your baby's Development On 10th & 11th Weeks Pregnant

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Your Baby's Development On 8th & 9th Weeks Pregnant


Your Baby's Development On 8th Weeks Pregnant || Week 8

This week, fingers and feet are still webbed already jutting out from the arms and legs. Eyelids have started to cover her eyes. The breathing tract has developed extending from his throat. "Tail" which previously still visible, now disappeared. Nerve cells in his brain now started growing branching to be inter-connected to form a simple neural pathway between each other.

You might already want to guess the type of gonads, but his genitals are still not developed enough and look perfect to know whether he was male or female. But, your baby can move even though it can not you feel it directly because of its size that is still of soybean seeds (with a length of about 25-30 mm).

8 Weeks Pregnant

Changes In Your Body:

Now, you need a bigger bra size, bra because you use had started to feel cramped. The increased hormone levels cause your breasts enlarged was accompanied by the development of the other as a marker that your breasts are ready to breastfeed post-birth. Size bra you can gain two levels, but do not be surprised because this is a common occurrence especially in women who are expecting her first baby.

If in this phase, you become more quickly fatigued, is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone that results in You feel energetic. You may experience nausea and headaches that will simply drain your energy. The time and comfort of Your night's sleep can interrupt by often you urinate at night.

Tips: walking Routine for approximately 15 to 20 minutes can reduce the tremendous sense of jaded that you would naturally in the early first trimester.

Determine The Type Of Examination Of Your Pregnancy:

In this phase, your doctor will probably recommend that genetic screening and diagnostic tests (genetic screening) during your pregnancy, in the form of a simple test such as a blood test to test procedure. Before you agree to do the test, ask for an explanation to the doctor about what the tests mean, for what do the tests, how the procedures will be, is there a risk that will occur, and an explanation of the results you will receive. Test screening (screening) will explain the risks that might be experienced in certain conditions. The diagnostic test will provide information about or no problems in your baby. 

Here are a few choice tests in the early first trimester:

First Trimester combination of examination:

The examination is a relatively new type of this combined nuchal hump fold (examination using ultrasound to find out the size of the network that developed on the back of your baby's neck) and a blood test to measure two types of proteins. These checks can be done since the week of the 11th until the 13th week of gestational age. This combination of first trimester tests will detect whether you are at risk of having a baby with down syndrome (a genetic disorder that causes mental and physical growth retardation in the baby) as well as other risks that might be experienced by your baby. This screening examination of risk-free and will help you decide whether it is necessary to perform diagnostic tests such as Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis which tend to have a risk of miscarriage.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS):

Diagnostic test takes cells from the placenta are then sent to a laboratory for genetic analysis. CVS was able to identify the presence of abnormalities of chromosome levels as well as other genetic disorders. This test can be done in the first trimester, usually between mingguke-11 and 12th week of pregnancy. As for other types of diagnostic tests, namely, amniocentesis can be done on Sunday, the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy.

Your Baby's Development On 9th Weeks Pregnant || Week 9

Its size is now approaching the size of grapes with a length of less than 2.5 cm and weighs about 1 ounce. Its shape already resembles a human, because parts of the bodies most essential already appear all to be perfected in subsequent months. Other striking changes occurred at its heart which is now already have four booths and a valve that has begun to take shape, as well as the loss of "the embryonic tail" of his. The organ it, like muscle and nerves were starting to work.

Signs to know sex is still not evident until the next couple of weeks. Although the eyelids are still closed, but his eyes are already well-formed. Eyelids will open on the 27th week later. Earlobe teeny already well-formed, as well as the mouth, nose, nose hole and that now are already clearly visible.
The placenta developed well and had enough time to start the role of the importance of producing hormones. Physically, the moment your baby is already at its normal shape.

Changes In Your Body:

Your stomach may have slightly enlarged, but you still don't look like pregnant women. Labile emotions you experience are still going on this week, but you're starting to get used to it. The emotional turmoil will subside by the time you enter the gestation age 6-10 weeks. Most of the pregnant women experiencing it in the second trimester, and the emotional turmoil it will appear again on the age old pregnant (third trimester).

The right time to announce your pregnancy To your boss and your co-workers:

There are several pregnant women who announced her pregnancy without hesitation in the Office despite the size of the new baby of the soybean seed. There are also some pregnant women are waiting until the second trimester of her pregnancy enters the age when her pregnancy is already quite stable so that any miscarriage risk is low. Then, when is the right time for you to announce your pregnancy?

Here are some factors that could be Your considerations:

What are you experiencing complications?

If Yes, and you need to frequently visit the doctor to make sure you and your baby's condition, it would be a relief if you announce your pregnancy early.

What you experience certain diseases?

If you feel you had enough afflicted by nausea and vomiting with frequency often, you should speak to your supervisor immediately. Ask for Your tolerance for work relief entered a critical period at the young age of your pregnancy. Usually, the condition of pregnant women tends to be stable in the age of the second trimester.

Does your work have a high risk?

If Yes, and threaten the safety of you and your baby, then immediately asked for a replacement for You and tell them the good way.

Do your boss and your co-workers support your pregnancy?

It depends on of your workplace culture. The employment relationship between you and your boss us long us this will effect. If you feel confident that you are professional workers, the announcement of your pregnancy is an advantage that can help you gain a healthy pregnancy with low levels of stress.

Activities This Week:

Do a daily ritual to retain a relationship with your baby. Provide time for five to ten minutes each day to think about your baby. Try to sit quietly and put both arms above Your stomach after waking up and before going to bed. Next, adjust the breath and starting to think about your says, dreams, and your shadow as the parent of your baby later. This is one of the right ways to bond with your baby and will help you prepare to be a good parent.

Your Baby's Development On 8th & 9th Weeks Pregnant

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Your baby's Development On 6th & 7th Weeks Pregnant


Your baby's Development On 6th Weeks Pregnant || Week 6

Important developments this week looks at the nose, mouth and ears, the development section that later will often have you kiss this is the beginning of the formation of your baby, and would be perfect for the next eight months. If only you were able to look directly into the uterus, will be seen creatures with large heads with three dark, two points below the forehead and one in the central part of his face.

Your baby's Development On 6th Weeks Pregnant
6 Weeks Pregnant

The point of that dark place the formation of both eyes and nostrils of your baby later. His ears are formed at the lower right and left the side of his head, followed by the emergence of buds the arms and legs. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times per minute, almost two times faster than Your heart rate, and blood flow is already flowing throughout her body. His bowels also have begun to take shape and shoots from the networks that will form her lungs are already visible.

In addition, the pituitary gland also already begins to form, followed by the development of the brain, muscle, and bone. Now, baby you're measuring a quarter inch.

Changes In Your Body:

Maybe you will find changes in Your nature, today's sad tomorrow wonderful happy, it means You are likely to be labile properties. Not given the nature of you experience this is a thing that is normal (but you could have prided them if you are capable of controlling them). One of the causes of emotions which demonstrative evidence is a hormone that is up and down.

Furthermore, anyone can be emotional if the know will occur a great change in his life. Let Alone You? Blood stains on panties or a tissue after you urinate or bleeding relatively occur early in pregnancy, as it is experienced by a quarter of pregnant women. It may happen in a normal pregnancy, but it can also be a sign of miscarriage or early ectopic pregnancy (pregnant). So, if you experience this, immediately contact your doctor.

Shocking Fact: Could Happen To Conceive Twins?

Sure, the twins can happen if Your family lineage in recorded history twins, and you may potentially have more twins if you're doing fertility treatment. However, every woman could just have baby twins. So, could it be You one of them?

Your Chances Of Having Twins:

In General, one of the thirty-one birth is the birth of twins (more than 3%). But your chances of having twins is very low, i.e. one appeal of eighty-nine if you get pregnant without medical help. Then, the overall odds of having triplets or more is about an appeal five hundred and sixty-five.

Identical twins usually occur without coincidence. So, your chances of having twins, identical or monozygotic (an egg that has been fertilized egg splitting into two) are approximately one hundred and fifty-two appeals.

Your baby's Development On 7th Weeks Pregnant || Week 7

Your baby's Development On 7th Weeks Pregnant || Week 7
7 Weeks Pregnant
The big news this week: both hands and legs have started to emerge and evolve from an arm and a leg, although he still looks like a small paddle. Technically, your baby is at the stage of the embryo that still has a small tail that will evolve into a tail bone. The tail will disappear in a few weeks, this causes the size of the embryo becomes smaller. Your baby is growing two times larger since last week, and one and a half inches long.

If you can see with the naked eye into the uterus, it would appear his eyes covered by eyelid folds that have the same color with the nose and small vein beneath the surface of her skin that is thin. Your baby's brain has begun to thrive, and for a while, his heart pulled out the red blood cells to the bone marrow tow well-formed and took over the task. Your baby also has had appendicitis and pancreas producing the hormone insulin to digestion.

The amazing thing in the process of the growth of your baby's stomach contents enlarged towards the rope her belly button now have different blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to and from for his little body.

Changes In Your Body:

Your uterus has been enlarged twice in five weeks of pregnancy and eating it was like running errands, or worse because of morning sickness that may have just passed. (but if you don't feel it, don't worry, you're lucky!) You will also be frequent urination because of increased blood volume, and also the increasing fluids which are processed by your kidneys. (Your blood Volume is currently around 10% more than it did before you got pregnant, and at the end of the pregnancy, you will have a blood volume by as much as 40 – 45% or more circulate via vein and meet your baby's blood system). During the growth of the uterus, the pressure on Your bladder, you will also get you to the bathroom frequently.
Nausea experienced by most women in the first trimester of pregnancy will disappear around the 14th week. The facts show that the volume and frequency of urination tend to rise during pregnancy.

Three Questions About The Examination Before Giving Birth

The next few weeks will be the right time for you to check your health and your baby's. Because the routine Saturday health checks will help the birth of a healthy baby.

1. What need to be prepared when the first inspection?

To save time, make a list of questions that you would like to know the answer from a doctor. Mention all that you feel or you think, without regard for important or not important us all of you are experiencing. Don't forget to bring a list of medications (including supplements) that your usual consumption, so that the doctor can recommend medication or supplement what secure consumed during your pregnancy.

Remember the first day of your last menstruation, because usually that question will be posed by doctor or nurse to make sure Your content age (but no need to worry if you don't remember the first day of your last menstruation, the doctor will perform an ultrasound to find out the age of your pregnancy).

Note history health/illness in your family and your husband. If you are not sure whether one of your family has a genetic disorder or chromosomes, then take the examination together with your parents or with relatives who are still there are blood ties. Your doctor will ask this to walk you and recommends test genetic abnormalities.

2. What happens during an examination?

In general, your doctor will begin by asking how you feel physically and emotionally, whether you have a complaint or not. Your doctor will throw another question, depending on how far you ask.
The goal of the inspection is to know the condition of your pregnancy as well as the information you need to keep your health and the baby. Usually, the doctor and midwife will check your weight, blood pressure, measuring the abdomen, knowing the position of the baby, and monitor several complications if any.
At the end of the meeting, the doctor will examine the results of this examination, explains the changes before and after the visit and give special attention to you. He will give you guidance about the good lifestyle, such as the necessary nutrients, quit smoking, drink alcohol and consume hard drugs.

3. Should perform the examination together with your partner?

It back to you, some couples find benefits from going along doing the examination to the doctor, especially on a first visit, examination, ultrasound and other test results. There is a survey stating that 57% of pregnant women want to always do an examination along with its companion to the doctor, 37% husband says if they always accompany his wife each time the examination.

If you are not satisfied with the doctor examining you for it, then look for a successor. It is very important to choose a doctor you like and can be trusted.

Some pregnant women want to go with her husband whenever checks, there is also a vote of its own.

Your baby's Development On 6th & 7th Weeks Pregnant

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How To Care For And Maintain Healthy Skin


The skin is the most important part of the body to support the appearance of a person. So the importance of body part this one makes a lot of people are doing everything to keep healthy. Even those willing to pay up to tens of millions of dollars for the sake of gaining the appearance of healthy skin. Whereas, if they want a little bit of learning, they do not have to pull out many funds to do plastic surgery or other treatment. Get healthy skin and clean not only using a variety of beauty and skin products, for healthy skin can also be obtained from the pattern of life and a healthy daily routine Saturday.

How To Care For And Maintain Healthy Skin

How to care for and maintain skin health. How do I? Here I will give tips to care for skin health to stay bright and healthy.

Drink Plenty Of Plain Water

Water is a natural resource that is capable of delivering millions of benefits on living things. One of the most outstanding benefits is to preserve the health of the skin. By drinking water, you'll • avoid the stress of the skin. In addition to avoiding stress skin, white water can also prevent you from skin wrinkles. The minimum amount you have to water consumption for each day is 8 glasses. How to drink it ever is not the origin of the drink. You have to take it bit by bit to make it more durable in the body.

Enough sleep

The second way to maintain the health of the skin is to set the sleep time correctly. According to the study, someone who is sleep-deprived her skin will become dull fast, wrinkles and skin tone become uneven. Therefore, for those of you who want healthy skin and chewy, you must set the sleep time. Standard bedtime in a 24-hour time period is 7 hours. Within 7 hours, the skin will regenerate so the next day you will look fresher.
In addition to keeping the breaks, you can also maintain skin health by way of avoiding sunlight directly. Direct sunlight will make your skin becomes dull and dry. Because of that, you have to wear a jacket or sweater when about to go out of the House.

Protect Your Skin From Sun Exposure

Sunshine morning (07:00-10:00 pm EST) is very good for the health of both within and outside of the body (skin). However if it is noon, UV-rays can burn your skin if you're too old let skin exposed by the Sun without protection.

If you're forced to live outdoors activities where the skin was directly exposed to the rays of the Sun, the first step you should do is use a sunscreen containing SPF 45 onto the skin prior to the activity.

Don't Touch Let Alone Squeeze Acne

For the skin part face, we have to be more sensitive to its protection because the skin of the face is the most sensitive to bacteria that cause a variety of problems such as oily, dull facial skin, and acne is the most egregious. If your facial skin is already plastered acne then you don't get discouraged just yet because there is an easy way to deal with it i.e. try not to touch pimples by hand because many bacteria or germs that attach in the Palm of your hand, and You also don't squeeze pimples because it will leave scars that blew it way much more difficult.

Regardless of any color and your skin type, every skin can experience rough patches of red, dry, wrinkled and damaged. Thus the protection and care of the skin it is very important for all skin types and colors. Cleansing the skin using cleaners available in the market can be one way of caring for the skin, because of the cleanliness of the skin are very closely related to the health conditions of the skin. But don't get me wrong choosing products, because others did the type of Peel and fit for someone else is not necessarily suitable for you to use.

Avoid Foods Containing Sugar

The next step for maintaining healthy skin is to • avoid foods that contain lots of sugar. According to research, foods containing sugar too high will cause damage to collagen and elastin. If so, your skin will be wrinkled and becomes slack. Because that's the limit of consumption of sugar in order to keep your skin fresh and healthy. Replace foods that contain lots of sugar with fruit and vegetables. The thing you need to do because it is a fruit and vegetable food sources that contain vitamins and minerals that are good for skin health.

A healthy eating pattern

Watch what you eat before a dizzying array of health products of your choice. Arrange a balanced healthy diet, by consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, white water, low-fat dairy products, and so on. In addition, here are some healthy foods that are good for skin health:
  •          Potato

Rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that may protect the skin from damage that can be caused by sun exposure.
  •          Blueberry

Contain high antioxidant source, to protect the skin against sun exposure

  •         Salmon, snapper, and other ' fat ' fish

Rich in omega3 fatty acids, which are good for the body, and can reduce the process of premature aging and blockage of the pores of the skin. Salmon can make skin lighter naturally, and the content of selenium in the snapper was able to protect the skin from sun exposure.

  •         Kiwi

Contains vitamin C, which helps the production of collagen. The Kiwi also makes the skin look younger and fresher Tuesday.

  •        Sunflower seeds

Contains vitamin e. Slow the aging process of the skin.
In addition, yellow and orange fruits like carrots, apricots, oranges, and leafy vegetables such as spinach are dense very good for maintaining healthy skin naturally. Packed with reasonable portions, don't overdo it. In your body will experience a worry about overweight and at risk exposed to diseases associated with overweight or obesity. Appropriate calorie content contained therein.

Avoid smoking/cigarette smoke

Smoking can give bad effect to the skin. Smoking can narrow the blood vessels located in the outermost layer of the skin so that the blood flow to the area is reduced. A result is the outermost layer of the skin is experiencing a shortage of oxygen and other nutrients that are very important for the skin.
In addition, smoking causes premature aging and the onset of wrinkles on the face. This happens because the breakdown of collagen and elasticity of skin fibers, particularly on the face, due to the process of use of muscles in the face repeatedly while sucking up and exhale cigarette smoke.

To Do Routine Saturday Maintenance

Air pollution makes your skin becomes dry and dull. That's why you need to clean your skin look clean and fresh. Wash your face at least 3 times a day. It's important because air pollution is one of the causes of the emergence of acne. That's piety to facial wash and bath 2 times in one day.

Using The Natural Mask

To facial skin • avoid from acne, use a mask of young corn. • avoid dull, use a face mask and cucumbers to • avoid acne scars, you can use a mask lemon.

Reduce stress

Stress can cause certain damages on the skin, for example, acne and other problems. Fortunately, the stress can be managed with various relaxation techniques are simple and can be done anytime and anywhere. • Avoid drawn-out in a State of stress and balanced thoughts and emotions both in the work environment or family.

Thus a number of ways that you can apply to maintain skin health. with the above, it is evident that skin care not only can be done by people who have a lot of money. Good luck!

How To Care For And Maintain Healthy Skin

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Diseases Caused By Abnormalities In Hormone Systems


Hormones are chemical substances that the body is naturally generated and released into the blood stream from a gland or organ, which affect the activity in cells, so issued will be channeled by the blood hormone to various cell network. most of the hormone is a protein composed of amino acid chains of different length. The rest is steroids, i.e. substances which are the fat have from cholesterol. Hormones in very small amounts can trigger the body's response.

Diseases caused by abnormalities in the hormone system as follows :

1. Addison's disease

This disease occurs due to reduced secretion of glucocorticoid. This can occur for example because the adrenal glands are exposed to infection or by reason of the autoimmune.
Symptoms – symptoms include:
·      The reduced volume and blood pressure due to the decline in levels of Na + and water volume of body fluids.
·      The Hypoglycemia and the decline of the long-term durability of the body's response to stress, so that sufferers are easy to be shock and death only because a small stress such as a flue or starve.
·      Mental and physical Lethargy.

2. Cushing's syndrome

A collection of symptoms – symptoms of the disease caused by the excessive secretion of adrenal tumors such as glucocorticoids and pituitary. It can also be caused by physical characteristics of the drug – excessive corticosteroid drugs.
The symptoms can be:
·      The muscles – muscles shrink and become weak due to protein catabolism.
·      Osteoporosis
·      A difficult Wound healed
·      A mental disorder for example euphoria (feels shy)

3. The Adrenogenital Syndrome

Disorders where a shortage of production of glucocorticoids is usually due to a lack of the enzyme glucocorticoid-forming on the adrenal glands. As a result, the ACTH levels rise and reticular zones are stimulated to androgen secreting that cause the onset of signs – signs of abnormalities secondary to men in a woman called virilism which the incidence and distribution of beard hair men, muscles – muscle body like a man, the change of the voice, enlarged clitoris, shrinking breasts like a penis and sometimes the baldness.

In men under age precocious puberty arises, namely the onset of signs – signs secondary sex under. On a grown man symptoms – symptoms of the above closed by the sign – the sign of normal secondary sex caused by testosterone. But when arising excessive secretion of estrogen and progesterone embossed sign – the sign of female secondary sex, among others, namely gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in women).

4. Pheochromocytoma

Tumors of the adrenal medulla that cause hypersecretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline by the U.S. result follows:
·      Base metabolism increases
·      Increased Blood Glucose.
·      Heart pounding
·      Blood pressure rises
·      The reduced function of the gastrointestinal tract
·      The sweat on the palms of the hands

All of which cause weight loss decreased and the body is weak. The treatment through an operation.
The swelling of the thyroid gland that creates bumps on the front part of the neck. The cause of the goiter, among others, inflammation, tumors or iodine deficiency. On the deficiency of iodine goiter, occurs because the levels of T4 and T3 levels are declining, TASH is increasing, this stimulates the follicles to split hypertrophy and hyperplasia.

5. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by abnormalities in hormones that lead to cells – the cells in the body can not absorb glucose from the blood. The disease arises mph when there is not enough insulin in the blood. On both of these, the cells – the cells of the body do not get enough glucose from the blood so a lack of energy and finally happened the burning body fat and protein reserves. Meanwhile, the digestive system can still remove glucose from food so that glucose levels in the blood become very high, and finally excreted along with urine. Sufferers can die of disease of DM hurricane status or because of complications caused by the disease, such as kidney disease, disorders of the heart and nervous disorders.

DM there are two kinds of type i.e. Type I DM (insulins dependent) diabetes arising in consequence of damage to the pancreas beta cells – cells due to virus infection or damage to genes. genetic material is the Gene that carries the nature – nature-derived. Diabetes type I usually arise before the 15-year-old sufferer. Sufferers requiring insulin supplements given by way of injecting.

DM type II occurred because the cells – the cells of the body not being able to react to insulin, though – beta cells pancreas produce enough insulin. These diseases are declining and are the result of damage to genes that encode insulin receptors on cells. Type II DM is usually associated with obesity and new arising after the sufferer was 40 years. This disease can be controlled by setting the consumption of sugar and reduce weight. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fat and salt.

How do I detect diabetes, early symptoms of diabetes are that sufferers feel weak, not powered, want to eat sweets, frequent urination, and very easy to feel thirsty? The combination of symptoms-symptoms of the above and have relatives who also suffer from diabetes requires a person to perform a glucose tolerance test. In the glucose tolerance test are required to drink a sugar solution and then her glucose levels were measured at each time interval. 

Diabetes is not  the one only disease caused by insulin. But some people have cells the pancreatic beta cells that are active so secreting too much insulin when sugar consumption. Was labeled a result in blood glucose levels fall below normal. This condition is called hypoglycemia, usually occurs 2-4 hours after a meal, which is characterized by hunger, weakness, sweating, and nervousness. In some cases, the brain does not get enough glucose so that patients can be fainting, coma, and even death. Hypoglycemia is not prevalent and most can be controlled by increasing the frequency of meals more frequently and in small quantities.

6. Hypothyroid

The circumstances in which there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone. When it occurs in infancy and children, hypothyroid cause cretinism that the body becomes short due to a nasal bone and muscle growth, accompanied by mental retardation due to cells brain cells are underdeveloped.
Children who keratin has a round face, a protruding belly, short neck, and a large tongue. Cretinism treatable thyroid hormone with administration provided it is not too late. When it occurs in adults, hypothyroid causing myxoedema. Symptoms-symptoms such a thick skin, swollen face, coarse hair, easy fat, weak, slow heart rate, low body temperature, slow physically or mentally. Hypothyroidism can occur when there is a deficiency of iodine in the diet. This can be avoided by consuming iodized salt.

7. Hyperthyroid

The circumstances in which the thyroid hormone is secreted exceed normal levels. Symptoms-symptoms such as weight loss, tremor, sweating, big appetite, palpitations and BMR increases exceeding 20 to 100.
Hyperthyroid most often found in Graves ' disease, an autoimmune disease in which antibodies are well-formed (thyroid stimulating antibodies, TSA6) against the TSH receptor on thyroid cells-cells, activating receptors-receptors. This, then the levels of T4 and T3 blood increases. Graves ' disease is also accompanied by goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland, goiter, protrusion of the eyeball and the caused by an inflammatory reaction of the immune complex in the muscles and tissues of the eyeball externally around the eyeball.

Diseases Caused By Abnormalities In Hormone Systems
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ANEMIA, Symptoms, Causes, And How To Resolve It


Anemia is a condition in which a person has an amount of blood under normal. A lack of red blood cells is usually indicated with a Hemoglobin count is lower than Normal. Hemoglobin is a major element of the constituent of red blood cells that have a lot of iron which helps functioning red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. When someone has a slight hemoglobin cell, then the person's body will experience a shortage of oxygen and will feel weak, limp, pale and anemic. Severe anemia may result in damage to the heart, brain and other organs of the body and leads to death.

Blood Cell


Some symptoms of anemia you have to know is the following:

Often Fatigue
If you often feel tired, you probably have a number of red blood cells are low. The body's energy supply relies heavily on the hydrocarbon and the lower red blood cells red blood cells, the rate of hydrocarbon in the body taking part is reduced.

Frequent Nausea
When you feel queasy moment early in the day, you could be exposed to anemia.

Eyelids Pale
Try to stretch your bottom eyelid, when you see the inside of your lower eyelids pale colored, you could be exposed to anemia.

A Pale Finger Tips
When you press the fingertips, the area will turn red. But, if you have anemia, your fingertips will be white or pale.

You often feel a headache, then beware of the bus so you are exposed to anemia. A lack of red blood cells can make the brain lack oxygen.

Irregular Heart Rate
When the body is experiencing a shortage of oxygen, the heart rate will increase. This causes the heart pounding fast and irregular.

Shortness Of Breath
The number of red blood cells is low can lower oxygen levels in the body. This makes the anemia sufferers often feel shortness of breath when doing daily activities.

Pale Face
If you have anemia, your face will look pale. The skin will also become a yellowish white.

Hair Loss
When the scalp is not getting enough food from the body, you will experience thinning hair quickly. Don't think poorly of hair loss so cool this is a symptom of anemia.

Decreased Immune
When your body has very little energy that body's your immune system will also decrease. You'll easily get sick when your immune system is weak bodies.

The CAUSE of Anemia

Anemia is usually caused by a lack of blood, red blood cell deficiency or destruction of red blood cells faster than normal. The condition can be caused by:
• Lack of foods containing iron, B12 vitamin, folic acid and C vitamin:
Iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia. About 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men suffered the iron deficiency.
Do not consume meat (vegetarians) can cause a person's lack of vitamin B12, a type of vitamin that is found only in animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk). Among the non-vegetarian, almost nothing of this vitamin deficiency because of the backup is sufficient for the production of blood cells for up to five years. Folic acid is available at many meals but mainly are found in the liver and raw green vegetables.
• Excessive menstrual Blood:
Women who are menstruating prone exposed iron deficiency anemia because when her menstrual blood a lot and will not have sufficient supplies of iron
• Pregnancy:
Women who are pregnant are prone to anemia because it affected the baby in the body of pregnant women absorb iron and vitamins for growth
• Certain medicines:
Several types of medicines can cause gastric bleeding such as Aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and others. other medications can cause absorption in iron and vitamins like Antacid, birth control pills, and others.

The following types of Anemia based on its cause:

Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a major cause. When you iron deficiency so your body can not manufacture hemoglobin to red blood cells.

Anemia of Chronic Disease
Anemia is caused by chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, and HIV/AIDS. Chronic diseases can affect the production of red blood cells causing chronic anemia.

Vitamin Deficiency Anemia
The cause of this type of anemia is a deficiency of folate and vitamin B-12 will affect the production of red blood cells, some people even can not absorb vitamin B-12 with an effective.

Apalastic Anemia
This type of anemia is the most severe and the case is rare, Cause This anemia is the reduced ability of bone marrow to produce these three types of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets).
Hemolytic Anemias
This type of anemia caused by blood cells are destroyed faster and spinal cord that is not able to keep up with making red blood cell substitute. Or it could be due to autoimmune disorders of the body may cause the body produces antibodies against red blood cells so that destroy red blood cells.

Anemias Associated With Bone Marrow Disease
The disease of leukemia and myelodysplasia can lead to anemia which causes the production of blood in spinal cord decreases.

Sickle Cell Anemia
This type of anemia is caused by a disability form of hemoglobin that makes red blood cells are well-formed like a scythe. Red blood cells are dying prematurely and lead to chronic conditions the lack of red blood cells.

Other Anemia
This type of anemia differs from others, such as thalassemia and anemia caused by defects of hemoglobin.


• When you feel symptoms of anemia such as those above and those around the notice that you looked pale and tired, immediately consult a doctor. Then you will receive a physical examination, the examination of blood and other complementary examination to • determine if there is anemia and what causes it.
• Handling anemia depends on the cause. When the cause is iron deficiency food you can consume that much referring to iron and Vit B12 vitamin drink fulfillment that can provide to you.
• Recovery normally takes six to eight weeks after the treatment. After Anemic handled, you will still continue to receive your intake of iron supplements and vitamins to maintain body condition.

Natural Remedies Tackle Anemia
Spinach Consumption Spikes
Moderate spines contain a lot of iron, salt, phosphate, vitamins A, C, and k. handheld take half spinach spines. Clean, wash and then milled smooth. Next, add a half cup of hard-boiled water. After being squeezed and filtered only to be taken the water, add one chicken egg yolk and 1 tablespoon honey. Stir the mixture until blended. The potion to drink, once done 2 x a day.

Green Beans
Green beans contain vitamin B1, niacin, and B12. Provide the 1 cup of green beans. After washed, mix with 2 cups water, boil until remaining about ¾ of his. After the lukewarm, drink of water decoction of it. drink it 2 x a day.

Leaves Long Beans
Wash clean half handheld leaf long beans, and smoked for a bit. Consume as, at the time of eating. Should be consumed twice a day.

Consumption Of Green Vegetables
You can consume green vegetables such as spinach and kale. Green vegetables contain iron which can cope with anemia.

Meat Consumption
Beef also contains iron which can cope with anemia.


• Consume foods containing iron is recommended for everyone, especially for women who are pregnant or menstruating. Iron most easily occurs.absorbed sourced from meat, chicken and fish. Some foods like vegetables, fruits, cereals (iron-reinforced), eggs and nuts also contain iron, but it is more difficult to digest. To facilitate the absorption of iron, you can eat it together with meat, chicken or fish or with fruits rich in vitamin C.
• You do not need iron supplements unless recommended the doctor. high doses of iron supplements can cause constipation and stool are black. In addition, the use of iron supplements unnecessarily can hide other problems, such as bleeding in the digestive tract.
• Pregnant women are advised to consume a dietary supplement appropriate advice a doctor, including those that contain iron and folic acid to prevent anemia.
• Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus, psidium, soursop, Pawpaw, and wine can help the body absorb iron.

• Live a vegetarian diet must be done wisely because it can cause a deficiency of vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important for the formation of the body's cells, including red blood cells. If You do not consume animal foods, you need to take vitamin B12 supplements.

ANEMIA, Symptoms, Causes,  And How To Resolve It
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Secret To Brighten And Whiten Teeth


 In addition to being one of the vital organs of digestion, is also one of the dental organ supporting appearance. Your smile will be even prettier when your teeth look white, clean and healthy.
However if your teeth blackened and appear yellowish, you'll be confident when needed to smile and talk. The cause of the black or yellow teeth actually can happen due to a great many factors. Especially if we are lazy to brushing my teeth or it could be because of the way we do for teeth cleaning is not correct, it can also be causes of yellow teeth and several other causes. With our teeth look yellow this, of course, will reduce our confidence when dealing and directly communicate with others, how to whiten teeth that are already yellow is actually very much at all, from the start of the traditional ways to the modern as it is developing today. A study in America even revealed that white teeth could help enhance the attractiveness, intelligence of happiness to your career.
When has a tooth changed color how to whiten it again? To conduct the process of bleaching, in fact, you can do so in the dentist clinic.
But for this, You have to spend in deep because the cost is definitely not cheap.
However, no need to worry, there is a secret to brighten and whiten teeth that you can try to do. You can do your own care that can help whiten teeth and avoid substances that stain the teeth so that the color change does not continue. In addition to cheap, easy to do and this way also belongs to is safe and has no side effects because it uses natural ingredients. Curious?

Please try the natural way to whiten teeth:

Expand The Consumption Of White Water

Some research suggests that the colored drink such as tea, coffee, carbonated beverages or alcoholic drinks could make the discolored teeth, look dirty and dull.
Sweetness in drinks can also damage the teeth. Only a friendly drink with teeth was white water. So to get back Your white teeth, drinking plain water multiply.

Expand The Consumption Of Fruits

The fruit Apple, pear, and strawberry fruit types are friendly and protects teeth. How can that be? These fruits can stimulate the mouth turns out to produce more saliva.
This salivary function whitens teeth and removes bacteria-bacteria from the oral cavity teeth destroyer. Other foods that can stimulate salivary is celery and carrots as well. You can eat both Greens as a natural way to whiten teeth, too.

Consume Vegetables, Dark Green

The dark green vegetable is a vegetable is a spinach and broccoli. These three vegetables that have a mineral content that can manufacture membranes that can close the teeth and protects your teeth from stains.

Make Teeth Whitener Of Baking Soda

Then buy potions, toothpaste or mouthwash bleaching which can harm health, you could try making a concoction of bleach alone. Do I double the salt and baking soda ½ teaspoon each to make a cleaning concoctions of teeth. If there is, then add a few drops of essential oils that have the scent of mint. This oil serves to freshen your breath.
How life is by dipping a toothbrush that has previously been moistened in advance into the potions you made earlier. Grain baking soda serves to Polish sections of the surface of your teeth.
Meanwhile, the chemical reaction of water with the herb will help brighten teeth from stains. Although help brightens teeth, this herb should not be applied too often because it can damage the protective layer of the teeth. You can use it once a week.

Leveraging The Benefits Of Orange Peel

By using orange peel which is still fresh, we can use it to whiten teeth. Certainly, many of us who never thought of this, but in fact, it can be done, and some of our other friends have tried it and proved successful. It's easy, we could use the parts in slightly stringy orange peel and white for later brushed our yellow teeth. How to whiten yellow teeth already should be we do regularly every day, and later our teeth will be transformed into pure white. Be careful make friends who have sensitive teeth, because the vitamin C found in citrus peels it according to some sources are not suitable for this type of sensitive teeth.

Utilizing The Seeds Of Areca Nut

There are who do not know the seeds of areca nut? already see huh? the seeds of this fruit are believed by some in the community in ancient times can help to treat and whiten teeth. How do you do? easy enough, that only by burning the contents of areca nut is a seed until it is charred after that then crushed until it becomes very soft. Then the next step is rubbing the seeds of areca nut had said previously we already puree on our teeth using husk pinang or with a cloth. Do this once a week on a regular basis and continuous, then later the result our teeth to become white, in addition to the uses already we pass in front of, the seeds of areca nut can also make teeth we become strong.

Avoid A Mouthwash Containing Dyes

Mouthwash can be used as one way to make permanent teeth brilliant and breath stays fresh. However, as much as possible avoid the mouthwash was given a dye such as yellow, Orange, green or blue.
If you use a mouthwash that contains dyes in a long time, the dyes can make your teeth getting darker little by little. So as much as possible avoid drug-dye gargle.

Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is one way to brighten and whiten teeth that are already yellow most required. Need to let us know that smoking a joint inside contain tar mixed with tobacco is one of the causes of our teeth becomes yellow creature. So from this can we take the conclusion that if we want to whiten teeth naturally it's good we immediately stop smoking from now on also with quit smoking then there are 2 advantages which we will get, that is in addition to the yellow teeth can prevent it will also make our lives so much healthier.

So last how to brighten and whiten teeth we have an auto-summary and try to serve through this article. These are some of the easiest ways that we can do to whiten teeth quickly without having to pay that much. Natural ingredients as well as supported in the right way will be able to help us with our whiten teeth fast and are also not as important to keep regularly brushing my teeth at least twice a day. Hopefully some of the tips that we provide for this rewarding friends and messages we do always the Customs-good living habits so that our health and beauty are always awake as we want.

Secret To Brighten And Whiten Teeth

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