Your baby's Development On 10th Weeks Pregnant || Week 10
Although the new size 2.5 cm more (from head to tail bone), with a weight of less than ¼ ounce (7 grams), is currently entering the stage of development of your baby is the most important. This is the beginning of the fetal period, a phase when tissues and organs on babies quickly grow and mature (not embryonic). Your baby will swallow the liquid and begin to WAST excellent. Vital organs, including the kidneys, gut, brain and liver (which at this stage has been producing red blood cells), have been in place and working as its function. The organs will continue to evolve along with your pregnancy journey.
If you could peek into your womb, it would seem that little fingernail detail arms and legs that were no longer webbed. It also appears the hair-fine hair that grows on the skin. Joints in the legs and arms of your baby have now been able to bend. Both hands holding each other up over her chest. Both legs are already quite long and are able to bend and attaches on the front part of the body (such as a squat position). The contour of the shoulder bones is already visible with good, accompanied by nerve vertebra which has already started to unfold along the cheekbones. The head of the front (forehead) baby you look prominent along with the growth of the brain size is very large. The following week, your baby will grow twice as large (about 5 cm).
Changes In Your Body:
On examination of your pregnancy, you will probably hear your baby's heartbeat rapid with the help of the Doppler stethoscope, which will be placed on top of your stomach. Many women say that their baby's heartbeat sounds like the rumble of marching the horse who was running fast. For some of them, to hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time is a very moving moment.
This week, ready or not you may already have to use maternity clothes. Even if you have not done so, the clothes you normally use may already feel uncomfortable (tight), because your breasts are engorged now began to torture you. Thickening of the stomach (the torso) you will force you to use pants, skirts, as well as a belt made from stretchy comfy you every day.
You can only perform a variety of activities while you are pregnant, depending on your fitness level. The sport of swimming and walking in the morning was the right choice during pregnancy. Exercise can increase the time of muscle, strength, and stamina your body. The quality of these three things you have to keep, as will help you physically and mentally during Your pregnancy and childbirth.
Tip: facing exactly the symptoms of morning sickness happens at night
If you experience this, you can set up your eating schedule by taking a portion of a lot at breakfast and serves snacks, crackers (little, cheese or cereal when the tombs of the night.
Three Things About Infection During Pregnancy You Need To Know:
1. Urinary tract infection during pregnancy
Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that most often occurred during pregnancy. An increase in the hormone progesterone is one cause. This hormone relaxes Your urinary tract so it may slow the flow of Your urine, and allows the bacteria to thrive.
An infection occurs when bacteria in the intestines move from rectum to the urethra (urine carrier channels from the bladder out of the body) to Your urinary tract where they breed. Sometimes they cause infection of the urinary bladder (cystitis). Cystitis symptoms including pain, discomfort, and like burning during urination. Then often arise curiosity urination and pelvic section feels discomfort and lower abdominal pain. Your urine looks cloudy colored and has a bad odor. Immediately check to your physician, if you think you are affected by the symptoms of cystitis. The doctor will give you safe antibiotics consumed during pregnancy to prevent the occurrence of problems worse. Antibiotics will very likely eliminate the symptoms within a few days, but remember to get rid of then need to do a treatment to eliminate all bacteria. The bacteria can also breed on the urinary tract without causing any symptoms (this condition is called bacterial asymptomatic), here's why you should give Your urine sample at the time of the examination of the first pregnancy. You will need antibiotics if you are exposed to the bacteria is asymptomatic.
2. Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a genital tract infection (reproductive organs) caused by excess growth of bacteria in your vagina. You may not feel any symptoms, if yes, you may notice little white spots, namely milk or gray with a bad fishy smell (the smell appeared once in contact sex). In addition, you may have some irritation in the form of itching around the vagina and vulva you. Although half of all women who are affected by these symptoms do not experience BV, BV can lead to increased risk of premature labor and rupture of the amniotic membranes prematurely. If you have symptoms of BV or if you get the risk of premature delivery, your doctor will detect infection and give You antibiotics.
3. Fungal infections
A yeast infection is an infection of the vagina is often the case when you are pregnant. This infection is caused by a microscopic fungus Candida in the family. This fungus is found on at least one of the three women, and will only become a problem if it develops very quickly where the mushrooms overwhelm other microorganisms. Increasing the hormone estrogen during pregnancy resulted in the production of more glycogen in your vagina, this is what makes it easy for the fungus continues to grow. A yeast infection will not affect the development of your baby. If you get infected at the time of delivery, there is a chance your baby is contracting at the time he passed the line of your uterus. Yeast infection causing thrush (white plaque on the lips of the infant) which can be easily treated in a newborn.
Activities This Week:
Buy new underwear – If your breast pain, look for a cotton bra that fits the size of your breasts. Special pregnant women bra can provide extra comfort for you. Your breast size may be increased by one or two levels than usual, especially for women who conceive their first child.
Your baby's Development On 11th Weeks Pregnant || Week 11
The length of his body now was up to 4-5 cm and the shape of her body was nearing perfection. He was able to open up and fisted his Palm. Her little teeth that are still buds already appear in the gums, and some bones were already beginning to harden. Kicking and Flex both feet will be the bustle, the movements he does look like ballet in the water. Frequency does these movements will increase in line with the more developed and the proper functioning of the organs in the body.
Changes In Your Body:
At this time, you may feel more energetic, nausea may have started to decline. Unfortunately, you may be experiencing constipation (constipation), which is caused by hormonal changes that slow the digestive system. You may also experience a sense of heat in the esophageal and stomach, this is due to hormones that relax the heart valve between esophageal Cell with the stomach. Remember that any discomfort you experience this is for a good reason.
Don't worry if nausea decreases Your appetite (including tastes towards healthier food) or because your weight doesn't come up. Because Your appetite will soon be back to normal and your weight will be increased by half a kilogram per week.
Tip: If you do not want to feel bored a long wait in the queue at the time of the pregnancy examination at the hospital, make it a habit to always come than the schedule your doctor's practice.
Three things about the food and drink for pregnant women
You may often hear about the food at risk for pregnancy. Even though it is true there are some foods that are a high risk for Your pregnancy complications, but there is also a large portion of the food is low-risk and safe for you and your baby. The following is a description of the foods are safe and unsafe for you to choose wisely during pregnancy:
1. Foods that need to be avoided
Some types of seafood (seafood) contain high levels of mercury pollutants that can harm your baby's brain development. Although on the other hand, seafood could also as a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids are good for your eyes and your baby's brain development. The key is to consume fish that are low in contaminants and not excessive amounts.
• Avoid consuming fish containing high levels of mercury, such as:
-Swordfish (swordfish),
-Big mackerel (king mackerel),
A pregnant woman safely consumes 12 ounces of low-mercury fish per week. Do not consume more than 6 ounces of tuna or tuna steaks contain mercury higher than canned tuna. • Avoid consuming any raw or half-cooked food for bacteria and parasites will make you sick and may affect your baby.
2. Drinks that need to be Avoided
Water-alcohol beverage is a must to • avoid. Fast-flowing alcohol in the bloodstream leading to your baby, a mouthful of alcohol a day can increase the risk of problems in your baby. There is no scientific evidence that ever explain that alcohol is safe for consumption. In addition, all types of drinks that are not sterile and contains e-Coli bacteria is certainly very dangerous to you and your baby.
Caffeine may be as long as you are hearing isn't good for pregnancy is a myth, not caffeine you consume in excess will not be a problem. It also applies to chocolate, tea, and soda drinks (soft drinks), keep you are not excessive consumption.
3. Overcoming food poisoning
Cook your food until completely cooked, if necessary use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the food. Especially if you cook the meat, so in order to be completely cooked evenly (the middle section no longer pink).
Reheat leftovers again before you consume it. Separate raw foods with foods that are cooked. Wash and peel the fruit and vegetables in advance that you will consume. Wash your hands with warm soapy water whenever you want to eat. Eat immediately food in containers that you have open, since the date of the expiration is valid only if the packaging has not been opened (broken).
Activities this week:
Discuss with experienced – the women (including your mother), or anyone who already officially becomes a mom (having a child) would be able to give you the best advice for you during pregnancy. The experience and empathy from a fellow expectant mothers (mothers seasoned) will help you become steady through pregnancy. Pregnancy is not uncommon, able to hold his own with his mother pregnant. If you are confused to start asking, try to ask questions about the beautiful things they experience during pregnancy.
Your baby's Development On 10th & 11th Weeks Pregnant
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