The Impact Of Nutrition On Growth Child


Providing nutrition to children is not merely-eyes to meet physical needs or the physiology of children, but also have an impact on aspects of psychodynamic, psychosocial development, and organic. These following will be described the effect of nutrition on these aspects. 

1. The psychological impact 

· Psychodynamic

In children aged infant, fulfilling basic needs are basic needs through oral. Oral phase successfully just passed if the child gets satisfaction in the fulfillment of oral during eating and drinking. Eating and drinking need of children filled the environment, especially the mother, either in the form of milk (breast milk) during breastfeeding or creamed foods. 
The impact of psychodynamics to the infant is a satisfaction for the fulfillment of basic needs and warmth when these basic needs fulfilled.

· Psychosocial

The initial phase of growth and development of children under the psychosocial approach is to achieve a sense of trust and distrust as a failure in meeting those needs. 
Food can be a stimulus to alleviate child hunger and quench consistent against hunger can affect the child's trust in the environment, especially in the family.

· Organic (Piaget)

Organic developments experienced by children through food is getting some sensory experiences, such as flavor or taste, smell, movement, and touch. Thus introduced a wide variety of food, the child will be rich with a variety of flavors, as well as increasing the wealth of smell through foodstuffs.

Furthermore, with the food the child will be able to improve their skills, like holding a bottle of milk, holding cups, spoons, and movement coordination skills such as bribing and scoop the food.

2. Physiological impact

The impact of nutrition on children who are clearly visible on physical growth of children. During intrauterine (in the uterus), adequate nutritional intake in the mother affects not only the health of the mother but more on the growing fetus. With adequate nutritional intake, from day to day growing larger mother's pregnancy and the fetus grows in line with evolving to gestation and mature, the fetus is ready to be born with body weight, body length and physical growth of more normal organs.

Especially in the first trimester in the event of brain growth, adequate nutritional intake, especially protein affects my brain growth. Conversely, if the mother is not gotten adequate nutrition, the baby can be born with low weight. Diet or food restriction in the mother during pregnancy will lose weight babies. Likewise, after the child was born, proper nutrition for the infant, toddler, preschool, school age, and teens will be very affected their physical growth, the child will be tethered weight and increased high or increasing in quantity.

The Impact Of Nutrition On Growth Child
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4 Drinks That Is Good For Dental health


A few drinks can be a good or bad impact on the health of your teeth. Dr. Brian dentist's Office, in the Office and Lituchy Lowenberg, New York, explains the four types of drinks that are good for dental health.

The following lists four types of drinks offered from pages Purewow,

1. Milk

Milk is beneficial for the body. The content of calcium and vitamin D in milk products make the body stay strong and healthy. Milk also contains casein, a type of protein that forms a protective film on the enamel of teeth to prevent hole tooth.

2. Vodka soda

If you are going to order a drink at the bar, order a drink this clear colored. Vodka sodas will not stain the teeth. Even this drink could eradicate the bacteria that cause bad breath.

3. Green tea or herbal

Green tea is caffeinated drink selection is good. This type of tea also will not make the teeth so yellow.

4. mineral water

As the name suggests, the mineral water contains many minerals such as calcium phosphate, who helped reshape the enamel of the tooth.

4  Drinks That Is Good For Dental health
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Whole Food Cereal Make A Longevity


One way to have longevity because the body healthy is by observing the patterns of eating. Cereal the whole foods (whole grain) recommended consumed per day. Cereal intact, such as oatmeal, barley, or whole grain bread from, could be the choice of carbohydrates and also the source of fiber.
Whole Food Cereal Make A Longevity

It's been a lot of research that shows the whole cereal can lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and also levels of body fat.

There are several components in the whole cereal that caused this food is healthy. For example, the fiber will make the belly full longer and lower cholesterol. Magnesium also improves insulin sensitivity and lower blood pressure. The mineral content and the antioxidants in them also against oxidative stress.

The experts also suggested that we replace the carbohydrates such as refined flour or white rice.

The latest research also mentions, people who are consuming at least three servings of whole cereal has a longer lifespan. The diet also lowered the risk of death from heart disease and cancer.

For the majority of the people of Indonesia, cereal whole food is considered attractive because it tasted bland. In fact, we can turn it into a variety of foods that are rich in flavor. For example, replace rice in chicken porridge, or mixing with vegetables.

Whole Food Cereal Make A Longevity
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Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food

Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food
Healthy food is very good for our bodies because these foods contain many nutrients, such as protein, fiber, and iron. However, there are times when bored hit, appears desire eating less healthy. Here are easy tips to replace less healthy foods with healthy foods such as below :

1. Cream Cheese

Smart tips: you can replace it with a brand of cheese which is a smaller version of your favorite meal.

2. Potato chips.

Smart tips: you can replace them with homemade vegetable chips, of course with healthy ingredients as well. You could try to slice a few sweet potatoes and carrots and then toss with olive oil, salt, and Your favorite spices, baked oven last until crisp.

3. Ice cream

Smart tips: you can replace it with a frozen banana puree. Recipe to make these foods you can search online. In addition, you can also add a Strawberry fruit and walnuts.

Replace Unhealthy Food With Healthy Food
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5 Essential Nutrients All Babies Need


When babies age 6 months, it's time to give your intake of nutrients through solids. BREAST MILK is indeed still required the baby, but the baby's development necessarily requires the intake of other nutrients from food companion ASI. The following nutrients will help grow flower baby starting from the physical to the development of the brain.

Essential Nutrients All Babies Need

1. Iron
The type of these minerals plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin. Iron has the functionality to smoothen the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron also helps the development of motor skills and memory.

Make sure the little one getting 11 milligrams of iron to be had from beef, chicken, fish, eggs, avocado, broccoli, and spinach.

2. Zinc
Almost the same as iron, these nutrients keep the infant's brain to continue to evolve and move. Zinc also serves for the production of white blood cells that can fight off the infection as well as ensure the body's cells to grow properly.

This type of nutrition usually presents in beef and chicken meat. Usually, iron-containing foods also contain zinc.

3. Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium is very good for developing strong bones and good vitamin D to help calcium absorption. Breast milk and infant formula did give the calcium it needs. However, you still need to give the second intake of these nutrients which can be got from eggs and fish.

4. Omega-3
Omega-3 is indeed known for heart health. For infants, these nutrients have another function helping the development of the brain and the eyes.

Various studies also reveal omega-3 will help the development of the cognitive ability of infants. These healthy fats, helps the body absorb vitamin A and e. Omega-3 can be obtained from the avocado, salmon, tuna, olive oil, and more.

5. Vitamins A, B, C, and E
The four types of vitamins can help the development of the nerves, organs, skin to enhance immune function. Type this into a complete package of vitamins as nutrients needed.

You do not hesitate to incorporate different kinds of vegetables which proved to have a high content of vitamin.

Vitamin A is inside the carrots and yams. While green vegetables and bananas have vitamin B is high. Vitamin C present in tomatoes, oranges, strawberries until the melon. The grain is also required because it contains vitamin e.

Essential Nutrients All Babies Need
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5 Effects of inflammation in the Body


You've heard about the drug and the anti-inflammatory diet or anti-inflammatory, but do you really know what is inflammation? In brief, the inflammation is the response of the body to threats such as stress, infection, or toxic chemicals.

Effects of inflammation in the Body

When the immune system perceives one of this danger, the body will respond with how to activate proteins that are intended to protect cells and tissues.
But if the body's immune cells begin to overreact, inflammation can backfire and it is dangerous.

Chronic inflammation has a number of causes, including bacterial, viral or autoimmune disorders, sweet and fatty foods, or how you handle stress.

Here are some ways the inflammation affects your health, both short term, and long term.

Fight infection
Inflammation is most visible (and most profitable) serves to heal wounds or disease-fighting: "you know that has happened in inflammation in your body when you have a fever or sore throat throat glands swelled due," said Timothy Denning, Ph.D., Professor, and researcher on immunology at Georgia State University.

Or when wounds become flushed and warm when touched. Swelling, redness, and warmth are signs that your immune system sends white blood cells to the area who are sick to fight germs.

In this case, the inflammation is a healthy reaction of your body. When an infection or disease is gone, inflammation is also missing.

Can harm your gut
Many of the body's immune cells, there is and a group around the gut said, Denning. In most of the time, the immune cells that ignoring the trillions of bacteria that live in the intestines of healthy.

"But for most people, who have an excess of tolerance levels, immune cells they react actively against the presence of the bacteria, creating chronic inflammation."

The result, the immune cells can invade the digestive tract itself. This autoimmune condition is known as inflammatory bowel disorder. Symptoms include diarrhea, cramping, ulcers, and even may require surgical removal of the colon.

Doctors don't know for sure why some people suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. But, genetics, environment, antibiotics, diet, and stress all seem to play a role.

Can jeopardize your joints
When inflammation occurs in the joints, it can cause serious damage. One of the conditions of joint damage is rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

RA is also an autoimmune disorder caused by genetic factors. In addition, RA is also associated with the habit of smoking, lack of vitamin D, and other risk factors.

A study at Yale University in 2013 to discover, that a high salt diet can contribute to the increased risk of RA.

Increases the risk of heart disease
Every part of your body that is hurt or damaged can trigger inflammation, including the inside of blood vessels. The formation of fatty plaques inside arteries can trigger chronic inflammation.

Fatty plaque attracts white blood cells, and then grow larger, and can form blood clots, which can cause heart attacks.

One of the specific proteins, called interleukin-6 (IL-6), allegedly played a key role in this regard, according to a study of the science in 2012, published by the journal Lancet.

Increase the risk of cancer
Chronic inflammation has been linked to cancer of the lung, esophagus, cervix, and digestive tract.

A study conducted at the University olehHarvard in 2014 found that teenage obesity with high inflammation levels experienced a cancer risk of 63 percent higher during adulthood when compared to their counterparts with lower levels of inflammation.

"When the body's immune cells begin to produce an inflammatory condition, immune regulation becomes worse and create an optimal environment for the proliferation of cancer cells," Mohamadzadeh said.

5 effects of inflammation in the body affect your health
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6 Factors Causes Skin Cancer, Beware !


Until now, cancers become deadly diseases, skin cancer was no exception. In the United States, one person dies every hour due to melanoma, here are six risk factors that can be the cause of skin cancer.

Beware Skin Cancer

1. High flying Hours
According to a study from the University of California, San Francisco by 2014, pilots and flight attendants at risk twice affected by melanoma than the general public. "Most people don't realize that at any height of 3,000 feet there is a 15 percent increase in UV radiation-exposed" explained Bruce Robinson, m.d., a dermatologist in NYC.
This means that at 30,000 feet where most commercial aircraft flying, UV radiation levels doubled compared to the level of UV radiation at ground level. Though the structure of the plane gives protection against UV rays, but UV rays can bust through the glass window. To protect against UVA and UVB RAYS we recommend applying a sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

2. Living in the mountains
Most people assume the risk of skin cancer is only on those who live near the equator. But the fact that those who live on the Plateau can also be affected by melanoma risk, obviously Robinson.

3. Viagra
Men who use Viagra (sildenafil) more than a decade, 84 percent more may be affected by melanoma. But it is unclear whether the drug itself is real to blame. One theory that may be associated with this case is the question of the use of Viagra as a lifestyle.

The man who was fond of wearing this erectile dysfunction drugs tend to be educated and prosperous, which means more time to take a holiday in the sun-drenched beaches and give exposure to UV rays, said Whitney a. High, m.d., J.D., Director of Dermatology at The University of Colorado School of Medicine.

4. Drive too long
A study on the St. Louis University School of Medicine in 2010, noted that the early stage melanoma sufferers ¾ is located on the left side of the body. The researchers suspect it's due to UV exposure while driving. Though already equipped car glass film filter UVA car side window, but still allow UV light to enter.

How to cope with it by installing a glass film that is able to filter out UVA and UVB RAYS, or make sure that applying sunscreens on parts of the body such as the arm, open the neck and face, even though the weather was cloudy.

5. Never had a bad sunburn
According to the Melanoma Research Foundation, skin burning due to sunburn can double the risk of developing melanoma later in life. There was nothing that could be done to restore the burns due to sunburn aside from doing prevention. Applying Sunscreen SPF 15 for daily use were able to prevent the risk of up to 50 percent.

6. Red hair
The same genetic mutation that causes red hair also increases the risk of melanoma. This is the result of a study by 2013 conducted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

The researchers discovered a particular mutation, MC1R bottom-RHC enable line causes cancer when someone with red hair is exposed to UV radiation. The same is also associated with breast cancer, ovarian, and lung cancer. However do not think that those who have black skin more securely against melanomas, though this case is very rare in Africa.

"Black People are much more prone to acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM), this is a very deadly type of melanoma that usually appear on the palms and soles of the feet," explained Robinson. The bottom line regardless of color or skin type should be proactively checks the skin if you see something suspicious in your arms, palms of the hands, soles of the feet or even under nails.

6 Factors Causes Skin Cancer, Beware !
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How To Become Healthy? Do These 5 Things Every Morning


Do not skip breakfast is just one way to keep the body stay healthy. There are some other things you need to do. A healthy body condition will certainly make your appearance looks interesting.

The following five-morning routines you can do to stay healthy.

1. Oil Pull

Oil pulling exercises help overcome a stiff jaw to relieve pain. These habits will keep you awake 20 minutes early. Oil pulling can also be used as mouthwash is non-chemically.

2. Stretch

Try to stretch the time oil pull. You can also use this stretch to do a session of relaxation or meditation. Especially if you are going to spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer. The relaxation will help the body felt fit throughout the day.

How to become healthy

3. Drink lemon water

A glass of lemon water with room temperature bring many health benefits, among them keeps you hydrated, increase your intake of vitamin C and make skin glow. The mood any time so better.

4. Skincare

Do a thorough skin care, ranging from cleans, applying toners, serums, and moisturizer. Scrub your body twice a week is also good for maintaining healthy skin.

5. Drink Vitamin

You can consume B12 to add energy, omega 3 for healthy muscles and improve mood, and vitamin E for hair, skin, and nails.

How To Become Healthy? Do These 5 Things Every Morning
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5 Types of Food Energy Givers


Sleep is very important for good health. stated, that adults can have a lower mortality rate and could do with a good complex task if they get seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Types of Food Energy Givers

But waking up in the morning sometimes difficult if you spend a night without sleep. Here are some foods that can help refresh you:

1. Wheat
Wheat contains a high fiber and carbs are complex. Wheat is also a food for breakfast the most nutritious vegetables because it can help You to live a refreshing day. Some of the food grain, including wheat, flour, oatmeal, and bulgur.

2. Fruits with Vitamin C
Studies conducted at Arizona State University, Tempe, pointed out that the participants have sufficient vitamin C intake, can do the treadmill exercise well. A few fruits containing vitamin C is orange, guava, strawberries, kiwi fruit, and melons.

3. Protein
Include protein into Your breakfast menu to get a durable energy. Some foods and beverages that contain protein, is fat-free milk, cheese, eggs and low-fat yogurt.

If anyone can't sit long to do breakfast, you can follow the tips below:


1 cup vanilla flavored yogurt,
1 cup of milk, two percent
1 medium-size banana which cut into pieces
2 tablespoons of wheat powder
2 tablespoons protein powder is smooth.
Ice cubes (optional)
Berry fruit (optional)

The food is ready to be enjoyed!

5 Types of Food Energy Givers
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4 Easy Steps To Whiten Teeth Naturally


There are always ways to keep your teeth white and stay healthy . But to acquire it you must undergo the following routine.
Having white teeth will improve not only appearance but also for maintaining oral health. These following 4 easy steps to whiten teeth naturally :

Easy Steps To Whiten Teeth Naturally
Easy Steps To Whiten Teeth Naturally

1. Avoid the consumption of coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages that will stain Your white teeth. If you want to consume the beverage types use a straw so that the liquid does not directly on the front of Your teeth.

2. Brush or rinse out immediately after consuming drinks or food that is able to cause stains on teeth.

3. Keep your oral hygiene as possible with a toothbrush at least twice a day. Do floss at least once a day to remove plaque and rinse with antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day to kill the bacteria causes plaque.

4. use whitening toothpaste (once a week or twice a week only) to remove stains on the surface of the teeth that can make teeth so yellow. And use regular toothpaste on a typical day.
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